Saturday, February 28, 2015

Making a Difference

Here we are on the last day of February.  Seven months ago back at the beginning of August, Harriet was feeling really bad and she knew that it was more than just " Diet", as the doctors kept saying.  It's been a long road.  Trips to the ER, all the chemotherapies and follow-up appointments along with the shots to get the white blood cell count up, blood tests and on and on.

As I hear the different stories of people who have cancer, different types of cancer I realize that the treatments vary.  Actually it is amazing because there are so many different types of cancer.  My good friend Ken, his brother has cancer and I was talking to Ken yesterday morning about his brother.  It's amazing to realize how me different types of cancer one person can get.

I ask you to continue your prayer support and encouragement to Harriet.  I thank you for all you've done and will continue to do.  It really does make a difference.

Frank and Harriet

Friday, February 27, 2015

Contiue to Hope

Harriet is still having major problems from the effects of the cancer and chemo treatments. I thought things would start to get better as soon as the chemo was completed, but it looks like this will be a long road.

I continue to hope to have some good news for you. 

Frank and Harriet

Thursday, February 26, 2015

15009 Page Views

That's how many page views we have had since Harriet's sister Lee Ann, suggested that we do the blog.

We picked up the prescription items yesterday at Kaiser that are supposed to help Harriet heal.  Personally, I think time and a careful diet will allow her system to heal over time.  As the doctor said, this is going to be a long process of healing.

I can't tell you how much it means to both Harriet and me that you take the time to read the blog and pray on our behalf.  We are truly blessed to have family and friends that are willing to do this for us.  As the Bible would say, you're standing in the gap for us.

Frank and Harriet

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

175 Posts

That's how many blog posts I've done since we started this journey.  Yesterday went a little bit better than the previous day.  There's not a whole lot of new information.  We must accept the reality that diet is extremely important at this point.

We have about 5 to 7 weeks before we can do a PET scan and find out how successful the chemotherapy was and then of course we have to wait for the results to come in.

Please continue your prayer support, the battle is not over!

Frank and Harriet

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I Have Some Good News and I Have Some Bad News

Harriet went to the G.I. specialist yesterday afternoon.  Nice guy, very compassionate.  He's also is technologically available.  He likes to do email and asked Harriet to keep them updated as to her situation.  The important thing is that he had read her entire file and said that, "You have gone through hell".  Of course we know that is not literally true, but it does emphasize how difficult this period of time has been for her and actually continues to be.

So the good news is that from what he has ascertained from reading all of her test results that Harriet does not have colitis.  All the problems that she has now are a direct result of the cancer and the chemotherapy.  The bad news is that it will take a long time, a really long time for her body to heal.  Yet, this is better than having a situation that is irreparably damaged through colitis.

I would ask that you continue to pray for healing and it is going to be a long road.  Thank you for the cards and emails that you sent to Harriet.  She received three cards in the mail yesterday and it really brightens her spirit.

Thank you and Maranatha,
Frank and Harriet

Monday, February 23, 2015

Let the Healing Begin

Yesterday went pretty well.  Harriet was able to get much needed sleep Saturday night.  She not been sleeping for the previous five or six days but an hour or so each night, which makes it rough.  Harriet was able to come to church.  It was really great to see her there and everybody was so happy to see her!

I'm looking forward to the upcoming weeks as she starts to feel better.  Today she has the appointment with the G.I. specialist.  It will be interesting to hear what he has to say.  Please keep her in your prayers.

Frank and Harriet

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Does God Still Heal Today

After thinking about it yesterday I came to certain conclusions. At the end of the 7th cycle, Harriet realized that she was feeling better. Then of course she starts her 8th cycle and it takes her down into the drug-induced, numbness of chemotherapy/prednisone.

It's going to take about 3 weeks for her to get over the effects of these "life-saving" medications. Sometimes you wonder, they do so much damage, is the upside worth it? It is the human nature to hope and to always cling to life. I know that Harriet and I had talked about these things in the years past. If Harriet would've had stage IV cancer instead of stage III, she probably would not have been the chemotherapy. We hear all the horror stories as you probably all have about people who have a few months left to live in they go through chemotherapy and makes life even more miserable.

We do look forward to a healing, it will take time. Interestingly enough my message this morning is, "Does God Still Heal Today"? I hope that you'll be there to hear what the Word the Lord has for you today.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Harriet took the last of the predisone yesterday afternoon.  She still feeling the effects and hopefully that will dissipate.  Time, it takes time for all these medications to leave your system.  I'm hoping to have good news for you in the next few days.

She does have an appointment on Monday afternoon to see a G.I. specialist.  I'm hoping that he will have some words of wisdom and plan of attack to make things right.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Frank and Harriet

Friday, February 20, 2015

Rough Day Yesterday

Harriet had a rough day yesterday.  She reminded me of what Dr. Chen has said that her body has reached a saturation level of all these drugs.  I know, they're supposed to help, but at what cost?  I'm very thankful that last evening she was feeling better.  Today is the last day of prednisone.  Hopefully that the healing will start.

Thank you so much for your loving support and prayers!

Frank and Harriet

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Chemo Medications Are Leaving Her Body

Each day Harriet can tell that the effects of the Chemo are leaving her body.  The predisone also has negative side effects.  It is interesting how we are willing to take these drugs that devastate our system in hopes that it will cure even a greater danger to our body.

Just a few more days and the predisone will be over.  Harriet has an appointment with the G.I. specialist next Monday.  He was recommended to us by a longtime friend.  Hopefully he can help to start the healing for the rest of Harriet's body.

Frank and Harriet

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Healing Begins

The healing begins and it is so slow.  As the human body starts to eliminate the medication that was taken in on Monday.  Slowly the medication dissipates and the effects are noticeable.  Harriet mentioned yesterday that she has broken blood vessels in her hand and it is not due to where the medication was injected into her body.  Hopefully all these will heal with time.

For those of you have been following this blog for a long time you will remember how I quoted the fact that they figure out how much chemotherapy medication will kill you and back off just a hair so it doesn't kill you, but it kills the cancer.  It also destroys so much of the rest of the body.  Hopefully these different areas of the body that have been weakened or wrecked havoc on, will repair and overtime be working properly.

There is a cycle that we've noticed over the past chemotherapies.  As the medication leaves the system, the aftereffects begin to kick in.  The numbness in the hands in the feet are most notable.  You remember the swelling that was in her feet and legs has gone down quite a bit over time, but they are not "normal".

Frank and Harriet

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Last Week of Prednisone

Harriet was able to have her eighth (and last) chemotherapy yesterday.  I picked her up at about 1:15 PM.  It seems that the last two times that she's had her chemotherapy that her body is reached a saturation point.  I wanted to make sure that I was there to help her make it out without either bumping into something or falling over.  Her hands in her feet were very numb from this medication.

Now she will take prednisone for the next four days.  I keep thinking that the healing will start after this week.  Lord willing no more shots and no more chemotherapy.  It will take a while for all the drugs to leave her system.  They want you to wait 6 to 8 weeks before they do a PET scan due to potential false positives or false negatives.  Obviously they think that it takes that amount of time for the medication to leave your body.

That's where we are and again I appreciate your continued prayerful support and encouraging words.

Frank and Harriet

Monday, February 16, 2015

8th Chemo

Today is the day, I hope it is a Go. I did not see an email with the specific test results for the White Blood Cell status. So I am hoping that they don't turn Harriet away from getting this treatment.

I will keep you updated.

Frank and Harriet

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Slow Recovery

Yesterday was a slow recovery from the previous day's shot that Harriet had received. Hopefully today will be better. Today Harriet goes down to get her blood test. Please pray that her blood pressure is high enough and that we get a positive results from the blood test. Then Harriet will be able to have her last chemotherapy on Monday.

My message today at church is: Does God Really Fulfill His Promises? We will study the life of Abraham as an example of God keeping his promises. If you have not read it recently you might go to Genesis chapter 12 and start there. I hope that you will be in the house of the Lord today. We all need encouragement and we all should have a desire to worship the Creator of the universe, if we are truly Born Again.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Rough Night Last Night

Harriet got her last shot yesterday and it was a tough day and night.  Lord willing, that is the last shot she's going to receive.  Tomorrow she goes in for her blood test to make sure that the white blood cell count is high enough and I appreciate your prayers to that end.

I will keep you in the loop as to how it goes.  I hope you have a great weekend.

Frank and Harriet

Friday, February 13, 2015

Homestretch Is in View

Just a few more days and the last Chemo!!! This is great news and we look forward to it. The actual chemotherapy is not something that Harriet is looking forward to, yet on the other hand is a milestone.  The last treatment.  Our good friends Ron and Virginia will take Harriet down to Kaiser Hospital for the treatment and I will be there in plenty of time before the treatments over to make sure that I can help her walk out of there.  The seventh treatment was a tough one and this one should be even more intense.  Because as Dr. Chen said that your body builds up a saturation point for the chemicals.

Harriet's feet are feeling like lead weights.  From what I understand from other people that this is normal because of the chemotherapy and there is a good probability that the numbness in her feet will go away in time.

You know I repeat this quite often, but I really do mean it, I thank you for your loving prayers and support.  There are so many people that have faithfully kept up with what's going on and united with us in prayer, that I'm overwhelmed in gratitude!

Today Harriet gets her last shot to help stimulate the white blood cell growth.  I ask for the following prayer requests, first that white blood cell count is high enough and second that her blood pressure is high enough when she gets the blood test and also on Monday morning when she checks in for the chemotherapy.  She's lost a lot of weight and on the good news is that she's actually put on a few pounds.  I know the people are not supposed to tell the weight of women, but this is an exception. She's up to 110 pounds and at the lowest point she was 102 pounds.  So this is a good thing and I do thank you for your prayers. 

Saturday morning our church is having a Valentine Days Breakfast and I hope that she'll be up to making it there, because she's my Valentine!  She said she's going to try if at all possible to be there.

I hope you have a great weekend!

Frank and Harriet

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Post 163

Remember I told you that thinking up the titles is the most difficult thing in blogging? So I have reverted to simple. This is the 163rd post which gives you an idea as to how long this has been going on. 

Yesterday was pretty much the same as the past few days. And tomorrow Harriet gets another shot. So we are heading for the final Chemo on Monday. Lord willing all will go well.

Frank and Harriet

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


So now what? Yesterday morning was good and by the time I got home it had turned into a bad day. This how it goes and it looks like this cycle will continue until Harriet stops taking these "Helpful" drugs. And of course it will take time to get them out of her system.

Thank you so much for you loving support and prayers.

Frank and Harriet

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Roller Coaster Ride

Another week of up and down, mostly down. These shots are helping build white blood cells, but they sure play havoc on the rest of the bodily systems. As my friend Larry says, you are in the "Home Stretch" hang in there. He is right, but I can tell you having the negative repetitiveness is difficult to handle for Harriet. She is a trooper and not complaining, but still, it is difficult. 

One day off and then another shot tomorrow, the beat goes on.

Frank and Harriet

Monday, February 9, 2015

One Week to Last Chemo

Due to the miscommunication last Friday Harriet did not get her shot.  It was really nice to have her not dealing with those issues that's a result from these shots that she gets.  But, today, Wednesday and Friday she will get a shot so standby.  As they say, "it is what it is", which is stating the obvious.  But we would just have to deal with this week and then a week from today she gets her last chemotherapy.  It ought to be a doozy.  I know that she said that when she got her last one that she was really dizzy when she stood up.  I think as the doctor said her body is saturated with this chemical that they pump into her.

Dr. Chen says it takes the body about three weeks to get rid of all signs of the chemotherapy drug.  So that gives you an idea of what she will be going through the next few weeks.

Thank you so much for your prayers and loving support, cards and emails!

Frank and Harriet

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Lord's Day

Yesterday was a pretty good day because Harriet didn't get her shot on Friday. Which gives us hope that after all these shots and chemotherapy are over, things will get better.

Yesterday we had the funeral for Don Goldy at our church and it went very well. Lots of people. This service was wonderful!

I want to encourage you to be in the house the Lord today. The Bible says, "Not to for sake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is". That's King James English for-Go to Church. Remember that everything you have, comes from God. Shouldn't you be in the house of the Lord and give thanks and worship and praise the creator?

One of the verses I am using in todays message:

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

I hope you have a great day!

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Top of the Morning to You!

We went and had our appointment with Dr. Chen.  Well, let me back up.  Harriet went to Kaiser at about 9 AM yesterday to get her shot.  She waited for over an hour and there was a problem.  We didn't find out till later on when we met with Dr. Chen, but what he did was put in the order for her to take the shots at home (self inflicted) you know what I mean.  Up until this time all the shots that she received were from the nurses clinic.  So that was the problem and they didn't give it to her.

Dr. Chen made the correction in the computer for Monday.  Harriet asked him if he'd up the dosage of the chemotherapy?  He said no, the medication is the same.  What he said was the medication reaches a saturation point within your body and that's why they only give eight chemo's for this particular problem of lymphoma.  So that means a week from this Monday she will get another chemo, Lord willing her white blood cell count is up high enough and then she's going to end up going through all this one more time.  That's about it.

We have a funeral at our church this morning for Don Goldy.  Nice guy, he was very faithful in coming to church.  I met with his wife Hazel and their daughter Jeannie yesterday afternoon in preparation for the service.  Busy weekend.

Frank and Harriet

Friday, February 6, 2015

Just for Clarification… .........................

No Harriet is not in the hospital.  Yesterday I mentioned she sent me an email as to her feeling well, most of you know that I get up at zero dark 30 and go to work.  I do not wake her up when I leave the house.  Sometimes I get a communication from her via email before I put the blog out.  That is what I was referring to.

Anyway, more the same, some good hours and some bad hours.  Today we see Dr. Chen.  I met with one of my designers yesterday morning and she recommended a really good G.I. specialist at Kaiser, Zion location.  This will help Harriet to resolve some of the issues that have been caused because of the lymphoma and the chemotherapy.  I will let you know tomorrow what Dr. Chen has to say for himself.  He really is a nice guy and his main focus is killing the cancer.  But, he does not take into consideration the big picture of the rest of a person's physical needs that have been brought on by the disease and the cure.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and loving support.

Frank and Harriet

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Yesterday was more of the same as in the previous days.  I did get a email this morning that Harriet slept well last night and that's really great.  It is tough to deal with these difficult circumstances when you're not getting enough sleep.

Tomorrow we get to talk to Dr. Chen and find out what's going on?  I don't know Phil have any answers.  He seems to be focusing on killing the cancer and that's it.  All the site issues which are pretty dramatic are not his problem.  I wish that he had more understanding of how this entire process debilitates a person's life.  What does it profit a man if he kills the cancer and cripples the patient?  Just saying.................

Frank and Harriet

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

UP and Down, Up and Down

Good Morning Everybody! I have to get with the program here and get the Blog Post out or I will get an email from my friend Larry reminding to get going. 

Lots of ups and downs. Dealing with problems on an hourly bases. The medication that they are giving Harriet is really doing a trip on her system. I know, we are in the home stretch here, but it does not change the fact that life has not return to anything close to normal. We are thankful for the progress so far, yet there is a long road to full recovery.

Thanks for hanging in there with us.

Frank and Harriet

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Here We Go Again

Another round of shots started yesterday.  All the problems associated with getting the shots have reared their ugly heads.  The only redeeming factor is that, Lord willing, this will be the last round of shots.  So, for the next two weeks Harriet will be getting shots every other business day. 

We do have a meeting with Dr. Chen on Friday.  Thank you for your prayers and thank you for your support.

Frank and Harriet

Monday, February 2, 2015

One Week after the Seventh Chemotherapy

Well, thankfully Harriet is doing a little bit better after this past week which was really a tough one.  I know that they're really trying to kill off any remaining cancer in her body, but what a cost!  I've told you before and I'm going to tell you again, thank you so much for your prayers and support.  It has meant so much to Harriet and me.  It gives Harriet encouragement to go on.  It's tough to be isolated from your family and friends.

This coming Friday evening we're having Family Night at church and if Harriet is feeling up to it she's going to show up for a few minutes to say hello.  She misses everybody and just wants to see everyone in person.  I try to keep her updated on everything that's going on, but it's not the same.

God bless you and I hope you have a great week!

Frank and Harriet

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Yesterday Was A Little Better

Thankfully the effects of the Chemo are starting to diminish. It is a slow process and we are thankful for any relief.

I hope you will take the time today to go church and worship the Creator, our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Frank and Harriet