Saturday, April 25, 2015

200th Blog Post

Today is the 200th blog post.  A lot has happened since we started this blog site.  I guess I should say that if you did not read the previous post, you should do so now before going any further.  I did a midweek blog post after our meeting with Dr. Chen.  Okay I'll wait until you read that and then we'll continue.

I want to add to the previous post.  I know that I've had a number of people mention the City of Hope in Los Angeles.  This is where the advanced treatment was recommended for Harriet.  I know it is difficult for people to understand, but if the treatment to cure you from cancer is going to kill you, what's the purpose?  Trust me, there are things that I cannot put in the blog that you are not privy to.

We are not giving up.  We are relying upon God to heal Harriet.  Ask yourself who is the one who heals?  Is it the doctors?  Or is it God?

It is imperative that each one of you that comes into contact with Harriet has a positive outlook.  No "negative waves" if you get my drift.  She doesn't need people crying on her shoulder and draining her of emotional energy.  She needs people to be on the same page as we are and that God is going to do a miracle.

There is a saying that I use in Bible class.  When Doubt and Fear knock on the door of your heart and mind, FAITH answers the door and nobody's there.

Just yesterday Harriet went to a grocery store in Santee called Sprouts.  She met with one of the ladies that has been friends with Harriet for a long time and has been praying for her.  The friend asked Harriet how she's doing?  Harriet told her of the meeting with Dr. Chen and what he said.  The lady told Harriet, "That is exactly what happened to my mother and that was 30 years ago and she still alive".

So when you see Harriet, please be uplifting and positive as to what God is going to do in her life and heal her and restore her health.  Thank you.

Frank and Harriet

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Dr. Chen Update

Monday we went to our oncologist Dr. Chen.  It was not good news.  He said that the type of lymphoma that Harriet has is resistant to chemotherapy.  The lymphoma has reduced in size, but is still there and will come back.

Of course I asked what is the next step or procedure.  He explained it's an aggressive stem cell chemotherapy.  He elaborated and said that you take the patient's blood and through a process, run it through a centrifuge and extract the stem cells which are treated with the more powerful chemotherapy and then given back to the patient.  But, for this to happen the patient receives a 14 consecutive day’s treatment of the shots called Neupogen.  These are the ones that help to stimulate the growth of white blood cells.  But these particular Neupogen shots are much more powerful than the ones that Harriet is received in the past.

If you've been keeping up with the blog through the past months you know that these Neupogen shots have just about killed Harriet.  She could not handle even getting the shots at the previous strength level, let alone getting some super strength Neupogen shots.  So this will not be an option.

We've not given up, and life will go on until we can go no further.  I appreciate it if you would honor our decision in how we will proceed and not trying to tell us, "You really need to try this or do this......." I know that everybody is well-meaning, but until you have gone through this situation with all the ramifications you really don't have an idea of what this all entails.

We appreciate your continued prayerful support and loving understanding. 

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Little Bit Late

Sorry everyone for this late post. I normally do it at zero dark thirty, but got caught up in something, I surfboard ran out of juice.
So here are the results:

We did get the results back sooner than anticipated.  They were not as good as we had hoped they would be.  The largest mass has been reduced in size dramatically, but there are still other smaller spots on her spleen and thyroid area.  She's been having tests all week long, blood tests and so on.  She has a sonogram scheduled for this Friday.

We see the oncologist on Monday morning before noon.  Then she sees some other doctors and has more tests scheduled for next week.  So were sort of in a holding pattern.  I took the entire information received by the radiologist and send it to my friend Dr. Brad at UC Berkeley.  I asked him to look over the information and distill it for us.  He did a great job.  He actually said that some of it was good news and he said that he honestly did not expect everything to be cleared up right away.  The healing process does continue and he pointed out that the radiologist that reads the report has to be very careful to cover his basis (protect his butt).  So they give you the most negative forecast.

We continue to look forward to God's will in our lives and of course we appreciate yours  prayers on Harriet's behalf.  The beat goes on and we will have more information as the test results come in and we get more information from the oncologist.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, April 11, 2015

PET Scan Done

Thursday Harriet fasted all day and had her PET scan at Kaiser. So now we have to wait for the results. She continues a slow rate of improvement. Of course we are thankful for each and every step forward.
Harriet asked to have our picture taken last Sunday at church. I am attaching a copy of it. Her stamina has not returned, but she is doing pretty good. Thank you for your loving prayerful support.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Good News is..............

The Good news is that no bad days this past week. This is tremendous! Harriet continues to improve. The numbness in her hands and feet is lessening, slowly, but surely. We are extremely thankful.

Again we thank you for your loving prayers of support.

Harriet has her PET scan on April 9th and it will take about a week or so to get the results. I will post them as soon as we find out.

Harriet was at our Good Friday service yesterday. What a great time of Praise and Worship! We look forward to Resurrection Sunday, "He is Risen!"

Frank and Harriet