Saturday, July 25, 2015


There's a lot going on and I need to bring you up to speed. Harriet's health declines. She said that her legs feel like each one ways 20 pounds more than normal and it's difficult for her to walk. She is asked for me to buy her a cane, so that she can use it around the house and so that she will not fall.

This past week was pretty tough I finally had to call hospice and they're going to come out next week and make an evaluation. It is a tough call for the obvious reasons. I really don't want to give up hope, things look pretty dim right now.

On an upper note, when I spoke with Daniel last Saturday morning, he suggested that I try and contact the governor's office. To be perfectly frank with you, I didn't think it would do much good. But, when I went to the governor Brown's website, there was a place to send them an email and they even had selections as to the topic and one of the topics was "Parole". So I wrote him a letter and told him of our plight and the fact that he's already been granted parole and we are just waiting for his signature on the paperwork. Also I told him of Harriet's condition and how it's worsening. That was last Saturday.

Then on Tuesday I wrote him another note and told him that Daniel's mother's health was deteriorating. I pleaded for mercy and asked for him to release Daniel by signing the paper immediately instead of waiting the normal 30 days to do so.

Well, I told our son Joseph about this and I send them a copy of the letter that I sent to Gov. Brown. Joe got on the stick and really stepped up to the plate. He got in contact with our state representative Joel Anderson and also with Brian Jones and asked them to intercede. Lori Brown over it Joel Anderson's has been really on top of this and she contacted the governor's office and talk to an assistant. The assistant told her that both the document that the governor needs to sign for the parole is on his desk along with my letters. If you are not aware the governor has been out of town, he is at the Vatican for 8 global warming conference and he's either returning today or he'll be back at work on Monday. Brian Jones also drafted a letter and send it to the governor asking for him to act immediately upon his return and releasing Daniel.

We are hoping that he will sign the release and fax it over to the prison and they will then in turn release Daniel. Joseph and I are ready to drive over and pick up Daniel at the drop of a hat.

Our daughter Sarah and her husband Hans are going to fly in next Friday night August 1. They're taking the redeye so we won't really see them till Saturday morning sometime. It would sure be great if Daniel would be here by that time.

Well I've given you all the information I know and I want to thank everybody for your prayers both for Harriet and for Daniel. I will keep you updated and you might want to check back during the week because if we do get the release of Daniel then I will put out a special blog update. You might want to check back midweek.

God bless you and I appreciate all the good wishes and prayers on behalf of Harriet.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, July 18, 2015


Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

I wish I had some really good news for you, but I don't. We continue to deal with the negative symptoms of Harriet's lymphoma. She is taking medication every 3 hours around the clock. Unfortunately the pain medication which is Didlaudid, is very strong and has unusual side effects. It makes you very groggy and hard to remember things. It amplifies your senses of time, sensation of speed and sound. When I took Harriet for a short drive yesterday, it seems to her that we are driving very fast even though I was driving the exact speed limit. The same applies to sound, it is very loud in her ears, louder than it normally would sound to her or anybody else. Time, takes on a whole new dimension and it seems that an hour equals half a day.

So these are some the things that we are dealing with. I wanted to thank you for your continued prayerful support and encouraging words to Harriet. It is important that she keeps a positive attitude.

Tomorrow is Sunday and I want to encourage you to be in the house the Lord to worship the Creator. My message tomorrow will be, "Jesus wants your lunch". I hope you can make it.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, July 11, 2015


Good morning everybody! I guess I'm starting to put these blogs out later and later on Saturday. Things have changed quite a bit and I will tell you what's going on. Usually on Friday evening I teach Bible class which starts at 6:30 PM and goes for a little over one hour. But the last couple of weeks I have been picking up our 2 grandsons Joe and Timothy and they live in Lakeside. I bring them to church about 5:15 PM and they are learning how to set everything up for the sound and video production. They're doing a great job and have a good attitude. Joe is 17 and Timothy is 16. Then after we have class and go through comments and questions I need to take the boys home to Lakeside and then I get to go back home. So it makes a much longer evening to do this, but it is well worth it.

Harriet's week has been up and down. We went to the doctor on Monday and they wanted to do some tests which she did. Her liver numbers are way up and her potassium is way down. So on Thursday evening the nurse called and said that they wanted to increase her potassium pills and she did that on Friday and it just wiped her out. I guess this is not uncommon. But, having to deal with it is a bummer. I'm spending more time at home and making sure that Harriet is taken care of.

On a side note, I did something I haven't done for many decades, iron my shirt. I used to do this when I was in the Coast Guard and I would iron my uniforms. But that was almost 50 years ago. I know I don't do as good a job as Harriet, but I'm trying to relieve the burden of the things that she normally has done.

Our son Joe and Hilda have been a real godsend. Along with their boys they do everything they possibly can to comfort their mom and to make her feel loved and she does feel loved. The nicest times she has is with them, it brightens her day. I'm going to pick up Samuel and Ethan age is about 8 and 5 this morning at 9 AM and bring them over to our house. This way they can visit with their grandmother (Nana) and then we'll get down to some serious business, playing Jurassic Park on my tablet. This is something that I've been doing with these younger boys and we are having lots of fun. It is a free game and you are building your own Jurassic Park. I acquire the gold coins which are used to buy food for the dinosaurs in my Park. Then when the grandkids come over I let them spend all the gold coins and they love it. It's really a lot of fun.

Harriet enjoys being with us and these young boys make her so happy. Then I'll take the boys out for a lunch and a round of miniature golf.

That's pretty much it for today. Thank you for your continued loving support. I want to thank you all, it's a big deal and I never take it for granted. You pray for Harriet and for me on a regular basis.

Don't forget, tomorrow is Sunday, the Lord's day. Go to your place of worship and give thanks to God for all he's done for you. Romans 8:28.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, July 4, 2015

20,114 Page Views Since We Started The Blog

As I have mentioned in the past coming up with a name for each blog posting is the most difficult part of blog posting.

During the past week different symptoms have arise that cause difficulty for Harriet. It's just tough when there doesn't seem to be a solution in sight. We need a miraculous healing! I really do appreciate your continued prayerful support. Thank you for sending a card to Harriet, it is uplifting for her to know that you're out there praying for her.

On another note, no word yet on Daniels parole date. It's been almost 50 days since the parole hearing. Many people have asked me isn't there something we can do, to get them to release Daniel earlier and expedite this process? You know how the wheels of government turned so slowly. They have a way that they do things and that's just the way it is. But, yesterday I decided to send an email to Daniel's attorney that represented him at his hearing. Explaining the situation and what is going on with his mother, healthwise. I asked her if there's anything you could do to get them moving I would really appreciate it. She promised that she would write the Commissioner who presided over the hearing.

She CCed me in on the email (that means I got a copy of the email she sent to the Commissioner) and explain the situation to him and forwarded my email that I had sent to her explaining the situation with Harriet and asking for his help. A couple of things, one it was very nice of her to do this and I really didn't expect her to follow through. The other thing which was kind of funny, for those of you been following the blog for many months and have read her emails that were sent to me concerning Daniel know what I'm talking about. The attorney referred to Daniel as "the fast talking kid". That was not a negative comment. For those of you that are not aware of it, the attorney mentioned this to both Daniel and to myself that Daniel is the fastest talking guy that she is represented and that he should teach the other men to represent themselves in the same manner. You can imagine when they go to a parole hearing and the people are stumbling over their words and are very unresponsive. When Daniel spoke at his hearing it was very factual and he had all his thoughts prearrange so that they just came pouring out. He's been practicing speaking at "Toastmasters of America". So, hopefully we will get a response back from the Commissioner maybe this next week.

Daniel calls me every Saturday morning at 8 AM. I told him last Saturday that I am prophesying that he will be out between July 15 and the end of the month. I told him that if he does get out during that time frame don't forget that I told him so. And if he doesn't then, nevermind.

He's thinking more in the month of August which is probably more realistic. Anything before October 15 and that's a early release. Because they're supposed to let them out within 150 of the parole hearing.

That's it for now and I hope you have a great Fourth of July weekend. The message this Sunday at church will be centered around God's blessing on the United States and the founding fathers Intention for our country.

I hope that you'll be able to worship the Lord this weekend at your favorite place of worship.

Frank and Harriet