Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Neuropathy Is a Concern

Harriet continues to do better.  Her neuropathy is a concerned.  Nerve endings on her feet and hands specifically.  Dr. Bronson gave her some exercises to do with her feet to encourage and stimulate nerve function.  The reason I'm telling you this is because it's kind of interesting.  If you can picture yourself sitting down or laying down on your bed and then crossing your legs so that the top like is up in the air.  Now you write the entire alphabet with your foot in the air.  This causes movement in your ankles and feet.  He said specifically that whatever healing you get in the first year after chemotherapy and he's referring specifically to the neuropathy, is what you will end up for the rest of your life.  So it is imperative that whatever can be done to regain the use and feeling in those members is done immediately.

We continue to be thankful as we see glimmers of hope and Harriet doing a little bit better.

Frank and Harriet

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