Saturday, June 6, 2015

New Problem

So sorry about the delayed posting. I know I'm going to take the heat from my friend Larry who checks it out every Saturday morning first thing.  We had family night at our church last night and we had way too much fun.  We had it catered by a Mexican restaurant and the food was great!

Harriet wanted to come, but was not quite up to it.  It seems that somewhere during our vacation she picked it up and infection that is landed on her liver.  (How does the stuff happen?)  Anyway, on Thursday she went to the doctor because she had not been feeling good for days and had some blood tests and an exam.  Her normal primary physician, Dr. Bronson, was not available, he was out of town.  Well, when I got to Family Night at our church last night I received a call from Harriet and just from the time that I left the house to the time I got to the church which is about 10 minutes driving time, she received a call from Dr. Bronson who had checked her blood tests and determined certain factors, so he called her.

Comparing them to the blood tests that were done just about 6 to 8 weeks ago, the liver has shown dramatic numbers off the chart.  In the earlier blood test everything was okay.  Which leads him to believe that she is picked up some type of infection and it's affecting her liver.  This of course leaves you feeling bad, jaundice and out of energy.  I remember when we moved out of state for three years between the years 1981 and 1984, we moved to Oklahoma.  We had a favorite restaurant to eat at and somehow we picked up hepatitis from eating there and the entire family, except for Daniel who was just a little baby at the time, picked up the hepatitis.  Which makes you jaundice and causes all these problems but in a greater extent than what Harriet is feeling right now. But, the symptoms are very similar.  It took a long time to get over the hepatitis.  Lord willing the medication that she was given on Thursday is helping her.  I did ask her this morning and she is feeling better.

So Dr. Bronson told her to go down to Kaiser this morning and get some more blood test done today and that the results will come back and he will review them on Monday and let her know what he thinks.

That's pretty much the latest information I have.  I did ask Harriet if she has any special requests for all of you that read the blog on a regular basis?  She said that she asks for prayer that she could get over this liver infection. It has definitely limited her quality of life.

Changing the subject to Daniel, he's going to call me this morning as he does every Saturday morning.  I've not received the transcripts from the hearing.  We are looking forward to his home coming.  I do ask you to continue to pray for Harriet and her situation and I do ask you to pray for Daniel.  It's not a slamdunk.  Things can change and I hope that he'll be able to come home.

Thank you so much for your willingness to pray for our family and for your great love!

Frank and Harriet

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