Saturday, January 7, 2017

1-7-17 Sat Getting ready for my vacation

Only two more days before I get on the plane and head over to Hawaii. Last night we had a really great Bible study. We are currently in the Book of Acts on Friday evening Bible study. We did all of chapter 8. If you recall, it's the chapter where Philip goes to Samaria and preaches the gospel and there's a sorcerer by the name of Simon who was greatly respected for his sorcery abilities. And when he saw the miracles that were done by the hand of Philip and of course when Peter and John came, Simon offered money to purchase the power so that whoever he lays his hands on would receive the Holy Spirit. Of course he was rebuked by Peter. That's where we get the term Simony. It is the term that is used to denote the purchase of becoming a bishop or cardinal in the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages. That practice is named after the Simon in Acts chapter 8.

Then in the same chapter you have the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch. That's a really great too.

I've come to a dilemma, what do I pack for my trip? Harriet used to do all the packing and I can't find her list anywhere. So I will do the best I can and whatever I forget, I guess I'll have to purchase there.

I've not been able to go surfing since I paddled out with Harriet's ashes on September 6, 2014. I have tendinitis in my right leg/thigh and I'm not unable to stand up without assistance (if I am on my knees). So my surfing friends said that they're going to install a walker on my surfboard so I'll be able to stand up and walk to the nose. I have been involved with surf photographer for quite some time probably about two decades or more. Before Harriet got sick I was looking into purchasing a drone, so I could use it to take photographs and videos of surfing events and my friends. When Harriet got sick I put that on hold. Two months ago I put all my camera gear for sale on eBay. It sold very well. I keep everything in excellent condition so it was like new. I used the money from the sale of my camera equipment to purchase a new high-tech drone. It really is incredible, the advances that they've made even the last three years. This particular model has avoidance sensors on the front, back, sides and bottom. To help you from crashing into things.I had a couple of inexpensive drones that I purchased previous to this one and I used those to learn how to fly. You see when a drone that is less than 1 ft.² and is a football field away in distance or further, it is very difficult to see perspective wise which is front and back. These drones have what is called FPV which stands for first person view. You have a screen on your transmitter that allows you to see exactly what the camera on the drone sees. The drone that I purchased has ability to fly 4.3 miles away from the transmitter. But the FAA has rules and they say you cannot fly further than line of sight which is probably 1000 feet and cannot exceed an altitude of over 400 feet. Even though this drone can go a couple miles up in the air, we are limited by common sense and the FAA rules. You don't want to get in the way of low-flying planes and cause an accident.

The first time I flew over the water at Torrey Pines Beach, it was kind of scary because you have all this money invested and if you make the wrong move, it goes down into the water. Now that I've flown it a number hours over the water it builds confidence that it will work properly and as long as there is no pilot error, you're doing okay. On December 29 I went to 15th St. in DEL  MAR where my friends are, and took some videos of them surfing. I edited the video and posted it to YouTube. The link is below. If you click on it it will take you to the video and it's about three minutes long. You must understand that this is my first attempt and I was very careful not to get too close to the surfers. I've gone out one more time and taken videos and the confidence level is higher so I'm videoing a lot closer to the surfers, but I am not posting that video because it doesn't have my friends in it and I didn't want to go to the trouble of editing it. I had nice Hawaiian music tune picked out and when I uploaded to YouTube they said there's copyright infringement so I could not use that music. The music that I used is what YouTube provides that is free of copyright.

Yes I'm taking the drone to Hawaii and I'm going to do a lot of videography of some of Harriet's and my favorite spots for surfing and just because of the beautiful scenery. It should be interesting. I will post those and as I mentioned in the previous blog, I will probably blog about every other day while I'm there with pictures and video links. I look forward to videoing Andy and his kite surfing, it should make interesting viewing.

I just checked and you cannot click on the link below, you're going to have to copy and paste it into your browser.

The message and preaching tomorrow is about faith. Of course I'm using the text in the Book of Hebrews chapter will 11:1-2. I hope you'll be able to make it to church tomorrow and praise the Lord, the Creator, Our Redeemer!


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