Saturday, July 22, 2017

7-22-17 Sat.

Rough night, last night. On Thursday afternoon I was at home and I  felt some type of irritation in my left eye. I used drops in my eye trying to wash it out and it was still there on Saturday morning and it was getting worse.

On Saturday afternoon I decided to go to Kaiser Urgent Care. The doctor I saw said he saw a small ulcer or lesion about 1 mm², but he recommended that I go to the specialist who was at a different Kaiser location.

I drove to the Vanderveer location of Kaiser and finally got to see the specialist. She put the drops in my eyes and checked everything out and said she couldn't see anything, but she prescribed an ointment to be used for the next five days at bedtime.

I put it in my eye before I went to sleep and I ended up waking up at midnight and it was really bad. I thought I was going to have to call and cancel my outing with the grandkids for today and go back to Kaiser. Terribly painful. But, when I finally got to sleep I woke up at 4 AM and realize that the pain was gone. Somehow during the night, the ointment really made a difference and I'm so thankful.

This past week my friend Larry and I were able to go out and video couple of times and that's always nice. My friend Pastor Mike and his wife Denise are coming down for the weekend and they are going to go to church with me and others from Maranatha Bible Church. It's always great to see them.

I hope you have a great weekend and Maranatha,

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