Tuesday, September 8, 2020

September 6th

Since I do not have a lot to do because of the virus restrictions. I thought I would give some Tech info that I have been working on over the past months.

If you are interested in AI and update on Tesla read on. Tesla's Mission Statement is "To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy." For years the Legacy car company's have said, we are going to produce amazing EV's. Where are they? Everyone one they have produce to date has flopped because they do not even have the technology of the 2012 Tesla Model S and Tesla is now  7 years down the road tech speaking. In this Tech Age, would you rather buy a flip phone or a smart phone? In a word, that is your choice in cars, you want a dumb car or a smart car?


 13 Years Later

In 1900, would you have believed that everyone would transition to automobiles in 13 years? I don't think so, because horse drawn carts have been around for thousands of years, right? So where is your horse drawn cart today, you probably don't have one. It will take longer than 13 years to transition to EV vehicles, but I can tell you that it is happening. The Legacy car companies are in trouble because in the past they have rejected EV tech. GM was the first auto company to make a good EV that people really liked, but they collected all of them in 1999 and crushed them all, even though the Lessor's of these cars, wanted to purchase them. Bad call, GM 21 years later would have been the front runner in this tech. This car was the first in modern times to be designed from the ground up to run on Electricity. 

 "The General Motors EV1 was an electric car produced and leased by General Motors from 1996 to 1999. It was the first mass-produced and purpose-designed electric vehicle of the modern era from a major automaker and the first GM car designed to be an electric vehicle from the outset."  Wikipedia

Toyota came in and produced the best Hybrid to date. Excellent product in it's day, but Toyota has not advanced to full EV in 20 years.This left the EV market open. Enter Tesla in 2003. Tesla produced the Roadster and then in 2012 the first Tesla Model S cars were sold. To date, Sept. 2020, no Legacy car company has in production today, a car that meets the 2012 Tesla Model S stats. This shows the lead that Tesla has, which is called a Moat. The Moat is the separation or distance in advancements between the company that is the leader (First Initiator) in a field compared to the rest of the companies that are trying to catch up. Something I have learned in real life and that is if you are in a race and running as fast as you can, you will never catch the leader that is not only ahead of you, but pulling away.

Here is a pic of my 2018 Tesla Model 3. The software updates ( I got another one last evening ) continue to update my car, so I have the same technology in my car as does the 2020 model and will continue to have updates for the life of the car. This is huge! Usually people buy another car every 3 to 4 years. The average life span of a car in the United States is 11.5 years. Currently just in China there are over 150 start up company's that want to sell their own EV's, plus the legacy car company's. Even with all these new EV start ups in China, Tesla has a 21% market share in that country and 79% of all EV's sold this year in the United States.


 So here are the questions: "How far can you see in the future?" I am referring to Tech. Innovation. Approximately in the year 1900 we transformed from and Agricultural society into a Manufacturing. We starting changing into the Digital age approximately 2000. Nice round numbers. Asking the question again, do you think the people in 1900 saw the world changing from horse carriages to autos? It is the same today, the question is how long will it take in today's world to change from ICE to EV vehicles? If we are still around in 2030, I think the transition of EV's will be huge. 

Today EV's are are 2.2% of all vehicles sold in 2018, I just looked it up. They have projected that in 2030 half of all cars will be EV's. It will fun to see if that is correct.

That's pretty much it for this month. The waves have been pretty small and I have not been making surf videos, waiting for a larger swell.

 God bless you all!

Still miss my girl.




PS. This is for my surfing friends. It will bring back some good times at 15th Street, surfing in the predawn and hearing the whine from my twin turbines. Praise the Lord!





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