Saturday, September 6, 2014

Time Warp

When I was a small boy and my brother who is four years older than I had appendicitis, the doctor actually came to our home and called the ambulance. Whatever happened to this kind of service? It seems like we have regressed.

Have you ever thought you're trapped in a time warp? That's what it seems like when I'm working with Kaiser. I send  constant updates to Harriet's primary physician and eventually I get a call back a few days later and they're responding to not the most current e-mail but something that I said to him via e-mail a few days earlier. We can never get caught up!

Harriet has good moments and not so good moments. Yesterday when I got home from  work she was really doing very well and I was so happy to see it. But, within a few hours she was in pain and trying to find a position that was the least painful. See is taking a 3 1/2 tablets
Dilaudid and if I understand it correctly from the Internet, you can only take a total of four which equals 8 mg.

We heard from Kaiser and they can't seem to find an oncologist that has an opening before her scheduled appointment on September 23. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Frank and Harriet

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