Friday, November 7, 2014

Press down, Shaken Together and Running over

If you missed yesterday's blog post, please read that because I updated three times and I will not repeat the same information so it's not boring for everybody today.  I stopped and visited with Harriet on the way in to work this morning.  She's in good spirits.  She had a nice talk with one of the nurses and the nurse explained what colitis is.  Harriet seems to have a case of it and it's an inflammation of the colon.  It's caused from the chemo therapy.  They are probably going to keep her in for another day or so because they can pump so much more antibiotics into her in the healing process is speeded up.  It's like I told Harriet, there's no sense coming home and then having to come back the next day.  Let's try and knock this out and get over it.

The probabilities are that the next chemotherapy will cause the same problem.  Chemotherapy seems to pick a vulnerable point in your body and decimate it.  Thank you for the cards and letters, emails and texts.  I got a cute card in the mail yesterday from our grandson Samuel and when he addressed it instead of putting Harriet's name, he put Nana.  Very cute!

You know that I always tell you how much I appreciate your support and prayers, I really mean it!  Again I will repeat what Harriet said yesterday how much she misses everyone.  This is just the way it is right now.  She must deal with the isolation until this problem is resolved.  They are feeding her, I keep threatening to bring in a hamburger, but that's not on her diet.

Frank and Harriet

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