Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Sunday After

Harriet had a relatively good day yesterday. We are both very thankful that she's home. Her strength level is very low. She's eating everything that is on her very limited diet. It seems to help, except for the fact you can tell it's can be very boring. I mean, no Mexican food, really?

Yesterday everything caught up with me and I was just bone weary. You just keep going and then after the crisis is over, I guess it all catches up with you. I received an encouraging note from Lois with the graphic the I'm going to include for you. It applies to all of us.

The doctors told her not to be in large groups where she can catch a cold or the flu. Her immune system is all but destroyed. So, you will not see her at church until this ordeal/treatment is over. We've done the calculations and the 6th treatment will be on December 29th. That will be her last treatment. Then it will take a period of time for her body to start healing and restoring itself. This means that the isolation is self-imposed, so that we don't end up with a sick patient that can't do the chemotherapy and complete the cycles of treatment.
Thank you Lois and all of you who have sent cards, emails and encouraging words. I hope that everyone takes time to go to the house of the Lord to give thanks for all that you have in all that God has done for us!

Frank & Harriet

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