Friday, October 5, 2018


I'm working on this blog post early because Saturday and Sunday there's a surf contest in Pacific Beach and they asked Larry and myself to go down there and video the contest. The contest start's like really early so we got to get down there and I won't have time to post the blog so I thought I'd do it today. On Sunday, we will go after church and get the final 3 hours of the contest.

It was Harriet's birthday this month. Last month I had my birthday and Larry and Judy & Bob and Diana took me out for a hamburger for my birthday. They gave me birthday cards. I wanted to show you something special that Diana did. Check out the picture. You see candy bars and you see some typed paper. I'm gonna read the first couple of lines to you so you can get the drift of what's going on.

"Turning 72 is nothing to (Snicker) about there are a few things to look forward to. Your mind will play (Twix) on you. Your joints will begin to (Crunch) and you will have (Butterfingers). Diana inserted candy bars instead of the words that I put in brackets. It was very cool and delicious!

I wanted to bring something up. Last week we had all those terrible hearings going on in Washington DC. So last Friday I was listening to KFI which is a Los Angeles station and one of the commentators made this statement, "80% of rapes are not recorded". What a stupid, stupid thing to say. How can you possibly put a percentage number on something that's not reported? It could be 99% of rapes are not reported or it could be 1%. "Then during the week I watched a movie and a guys reading article out of a newspaper and he says," 87.2% of your average salary goes for housing". That is crazy, you could not survive on 12.8% to meet the rest of your needs, auto, gas, electricty, food, Ins, just to name a few.
How do people get away with putting these numbers out there and we have people who are so devoid of knowledge, they don't understand what's going on. Lest you think I'm going over the brink, I heard a number of years ago a  reporter say that there are 10,000 new homeless people every week in the United States". You just have to do the math and you find out really soon their more homeless people than people that are paying taxes. That my friend is an exaggeration.

Okay I'm done venting. I just feel that people lose all credibility when they do things as I described above.

I hope you have a great weekend.



Pic taken 10 years ago