Saturday, January 5, 2019

1-5-19 Sat

Aloha from the North Shore of Oahu! I arrived on the 17th of Dec. and I will be back Home on the 19th of Jan. I came here to video the big waves on the North Shore. I was not disappointed. If you have not watched any of my videos I will send you one link, it is Part 2 on Jan. 2nd. The waves were good earlier on Part one same day, but when the sun comes out it was most Excellent!

If you know how to watch this on your Smart TV. If you don't know if your TV is smart or not, it probably is not, you can watch this on your computer.

I have made many friends. I was videoing with my drone at Sunset Beach on the day after Christmas, Ricardo, the guy without a shirt came out of the water and I told him he got a good wave. I am recording all the rides. He introduced me to all these guys, they are all famous surfers. Ricardo is 7 years younger than I but we clicked and he adopted me. He has introduced me to dozens of surfers that are regulars. He lives across the street from Sunset Beach and he invited me over to his home. When I drove through the gate the thought that came to my mind is Robin's Nest, from Magnum PI. We have spent almost every day together, he surfs, I video. Classic Hawaiian Surfer. His bother won the World Surfing Championship in 1965. He is not a Christian, but he is a very classy guy and the most Hospitable Man I have ever met. He has surfboards hanging in every room of his house and their are all pristine. He knows the history of each board. His knowledge of surfing and surfing history is unparalleled in my experience.

 This type of board is called a Gun. It is built for big waves and speed. He surfs the classic Hawaiian style and I think it is so graceful. I will include a pic I garbed of one of his rides on the video I mentioned.
 Ricardo Pomar ripping it up.

 As you can see that this is a trip of a life time for me. But I would give it up in a heart beat to have my girl back.

It has been almost 3.5 years since my dear wife Harriet went home to be with the Lord. I miss her everyday and that will not change. No matter where I go I remember the times we were there together. Hawaii was our special place. It was just us and we loved to be together. I think next month will be my last blog post. I will put together a bunch of pics of her. Life goes on, empty because of the space in my heart that can never be filled by anyone else. When I think of things like this I get sad, but I realize that as I told my father when my mother, his wife died, she is better off there and do you really think she would want to come back after being in the presence of the the Creator, our Savior Lord Jesus? Same goes for me, I understand this, but I am selfish and would love to have her here again.

This pic is taken at Duke's one of our favorite places to he on the South Side.

 God bless you and Maranatha,
Frank and Harriet