Friday, April 5, 2019

Sat. 4-6-19

Hello! It's Saturday morning about 11 AM and I forgot to do my monthly blog. If for some reason this blog post does not get upgraded, it may be due to the fact that Google is restructuring there products or I'm dead.

The reason I bring that up is because they forced me to log in and fill out some paperwork before I was able to start the blog as normal. I don't like change, do you? I've learned that people are pretty content with the way things are or they change it themselves, they don't need somebody else changing things for them.

I saw the orthopedic doctor yesterday concerning the accident I was involved in on July 1, 2018. In case you didn't hear about it, I was coming home from church and the traffic on the freeway came to a complete stop. I was able to stop, but the guy driving behind me ran into the back of my van in total out the van. I have high hopes that my neck injury and shoulder injury will eventually return to normal, ever optimistic.

I've been able to go out and video some surfing and that's always fun. This morning I had breakfast with pastor Mike who came down from Dana point to visit his father and mother. It's always nice to see Mike. He's a great guy and he and Denise are doing well. Here is what it looked like at Cardiff yesterday morning before the rain.

I have a trip planned at the end of the year, yes to Hawaii. My last trip was supposed to be my last trip, but I had such a good time with all the people I met all the new friends, I'm going back again and this time only taking one drone, it's just too much luggage to carry for one person, caring to complete drone setups.

I hope that you have a fantastic Easter! Remember why we are celebrating, it's not about the Easter Bunny, it's not about Easter eggs, it's about the death, burial and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Paul the apostle says, "If there be no resurrection, then we are the most miserable of all men". The Resurrection is so important as Paul points out that if there is no such thing then, "Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die". So let's focus on what Jesus did on the cross of Calvary, his body was in the tomb for 3 days and then he arose again on Resurrection Sunday! Can I get an Amen and hallelujah? If that doesn't float your boat, you need to check your relationship with the Creator of the Universe.


PS I still miss my girl. I don't think it's ever going away.