Saturday, June 24, 2017

6-24-17 Sat.

I was looking forward to going to the beach this morning. It's a few minutes after 4 AM in San Diego. My friend David said that the waves were good yesterday, really good and I missed it. We really can't fly very well if the fog is hanging around as it has been this past week. It doesn't have to be that real dense fog. Think of it like when you're driving your car in a half fog if you know what I mean, and your windshield gets wet because of it. The same thing would happen with the drone's camera when flying and obviously that would not be good. I emailed Larry and I'm letting him make the call whether we go or not.

Speaking of food, I was buying some snacks for the Bible study we have on Wednesday nights and I happen to see that they had corn. I don't know why but I really like corn on the cob. I could not find a large enough cooking pot, I know we had one, I just don't know where it is. So I had to cut the ears of corn in half so they will fit. Doesn't look good? Lots of butter and salt.

Friday I got to go out to dinner with my good friend Mike and Kathy. They're such nice people and we had a great time. Mexican food of course at Marietta's.
 I want to give you a couple of pictures of those little plants that are at the foot of the steps coming up to our house. There almost totally dark green. I'm not sure why the first one looks slightly different color than the second one because in reality they are the same.It probably has to do with the direction I was taking the pictures from so the light falls on them differently.

I just got an email from Larry and it looks like were to go check it out. If the waves are good and conditions are right I will take a video and posted to YouTube tonight. I'm taking the grandkids to see the new Transformer movie this morning. I Sure have a nice time with these little guys.

I hope you have a great weekend and don't forget, Maranatha!


Saturday, June 17, 2017

6-17-17 Sat.

The weather has finally started to warm up like summer. I guess I would say I like the heat better than the cold, how about you?

Next Saturday I'll have a picture of those little plants out front they are greening up so nicely I am pleasantly surprised. Pretty much everything is responding really well to the miracle grow plant food.

Yesterday, Friday morning, we finally got some wave action. It's been 11 days before that that I posted a video because the waves of been so poor. My friend Larry is coming over in about 35 minutes and were to head down to the beach and videos some more this morning.

I had a really nice surprise yesterday morning while we were videoing on the cliffs overlooking the ocean in Del Mar. some friends of mine that I surfed with for a number of years but I've not seen them for almost 2 years came over to say hi and I'm including a picture I took with my drone.

They all go to Rancho Bernardo community church. They're all very nice. The young man in the blue T-shirt is the pastor. I've been thinking about these guys for some time because I haven't seen them.

A gentlemen that lives in the Sam Clemente area came down and I met with him at Bob's house yesterday and he bought one of the surfboards I'm selling. It's the standup surfboard 10'6" long and 32 inches wide.

Those are pretty much the highlights of the week. I hope everyone is doing well.


Saturday, June 10, 2017

6-10-17 Sat.

I had a busy week last week. It was time to put all my surfboards up for sale. My friend Bob volunteered his place to store the boards and show them to buyers. Bob, Larry and I cleaned the wax off the deck and got them ready. Here is a picture of them:

The above board white with the orange stripe was sold yesterday, it is brand new. You might be asking yourself how do you end up with so many surfboards? Well the First one is a Hansen surfboard, I bought that one. I bought the WaveJet surfboard when they first went on sale in Dec. of 2012. I was their very first customer and made friends of all the people that worked there.
When the company went out of business, they gave me four surfboards. And now it's time to liquidate the entire stock.

This is the plant that was almost dead, but its doing really well. As you look at the picture notice how the leaves are all facing the light. Well after I took the picture I turned the plant 90 degrees to see if over time the plant will slowly turn toward the light again. I will let you know.

The picture below was taken two years ago on our last trip to Hawaii. It is on of the last pictures I have of Harriet.

I hope you have a great weekend, Maranatha!


Saturday, June 3, 2017

6-3-17 Sat.

I went through my old work computer looking for some new pictures.  The next pictures are of our grandson Samuel. Yesterday was his 11th birthday. I took Samuel and his younger brother Ethan to see the movie that just came out called "Captain Underpants". It's a kids movie that's rated PG. It's always fun to take them and see them laugh and giggle.

I would guess that Samuel is about 1 years old so the picture would been taken in 2007. In the first picture little Samuel looks a little cross eyed,  it's the only picture or time I ever notice this, because he's totally a normal kid. And of course my beautiful wife.

This picture is Samuel falling asleep in my lap. What a beautiful boy!

And this pictures taken a couple years later of Samuel.

I thought I'd include a couple more pictures of my little plants that are growing. Carolyn suggested that I name the plants. So I've started working on that.

The two plants on the left are doing much better since I have fed them and they produce some flowers. The plant on the right, his name is Fred, I think he has leprosy. Here's a closer picture.  I'm hoping that with the feeding it will green up and lose all the dead leaves.

The next picture is of the plant next to Fred. This plan does not have a name yet, I think I need an epiphany.

Overall it is going pretty good. That one plant that is pretty much Brown, I don't think it's going to make it. So I'm not sure if I'm going to paint it or put a new plant there.

I know that you're probably thinking I'm kidding about painting it. If you recall about six years ago when we had a drought and they restricted watering the lawn's. The front lawn at my father's house pretty much died out and I looked up on Amazon they have a green paint for coloring your lawn. I purchased it and applied it a couple of times during that summer. It's not the same as the real thing but it looks pretty nice. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures or I'd share them with you.

That's about it for this week I hope everyone has a great weekend and Maranatha!
