Saturday, March 2, 2019

3-2-19 Sat.

This year has started off fast. We are getting lots of rain, which of course is good. But it makes it difficult to have good conditions to video the surf for my surf videos.
I just uploaded the first in a five part series of the North Shore of Oahu, the Surfing Capitol of the World. If you have not seen it, go to Youtube, type in Frank Kovacs and click on the the pic of me in the White Muscle shirt. Best viewed on a smart TV.
My grandson's have sore throats so I will not be able to take them out today. They are so cute! Of course everyone's grand kids are cute, right?
My good friend Ricardo from Hawaii, called and said that he canceled the trip to Peru and may be going to Europe at the end of Summer. So I may go and house sit for him, if this comes to pass.
I sure miss my Girl. You know every thing around the house reminds me of Harriet. She was/is so great!
Hopefully I will have more for you next month.