Saturday, May 28, 2016

5-28-16 Sat.

Our daughter Sarah sent a flash drive with a bunch of pictures on it. I want to share couple of these with you because they are newer pictures in the sense that they've not been on this blog before.

The 1st picture is when Sarah and Hans and the family came to visit in 2009. From left to right it's Hilda, Sarah and Harriet. The picture was taken in Joe and Hilda's backyard by the pool.
This picture is taken on the same day as I'm being attacked by the grandchildren. As you can see I'm really suffering.
This picture was taken in 2012 and these are Sarah's beautiful children/our grandchildren.
Good times to remember.

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend and we are going to do a tribute to all those who have given their lives as the ultimate sacrifice so that we might be free to worship and live our lives.

I hope that you will be in the house of the Lord this Sunday.


A friend of mine wanted to see a surf picture. This was in December and you have to wear headgear because the water is so cold when you get your head wet, you get popsicle head it's like a brain freeze. This was taken at 15th St. in Del Mar overhead wave.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sat. 5-21-16

I have some new pictures for you. But before I post the pictures I wanted to remind you of my friend Lois who has a great blog that she puts out once a week. If you've not signed up for it I would encourage you to go to her link which I'm including and get on the automatic email from her blog. It comes out every Thursday and it's short, sweet and it's excellent.

On Tuesday evening I went to dinner at my good friend Tanner's and Brenna's home. Tanner's mother Janie who is a really good longtime friend was there also. We had a really nice time and I got to see their new house and of course little baby Lincoln. He is so cute! When I first came in and of course wanted to be friends with little Lincoln, he started crying because I think I scared him. So I tried again a little bit later on and he started crying again. Tanner made a great comment, "You're the 1st bald person he has ever seen". We all had a good laugh. By the end of the evening I got to hold Lincoln and he was my friend.

Isn't he beautiful!

I received a lot of encouragement to get one of these little toaster ovens. It works great! I'm including a picture of the little oven and also the pizza that I heated up. This doubles my cooking capability.

I want to be perfectly frank with you, I always appreciated Harriet and all the hard things that she did and I'm referring to keeping the house and making everything really nice for me. But now that I am trying to do even some of the things that she did I realize how much work it was and how faithful she was doing it. I still miss her terribly. I don't want to make it sound like I miss her because of all the work that she did and now I have to do. I miss her because I love her and she was the best part of my life.

Okay, enough gushy stuff. Tomorrow I continue the message on The Bible Is the Word of God. It's really a great message and I hope if you are able you will be with us at Maranatha Bible Church.

I hope you have a wonderful day and Maranatha,


Saturday, May 14, 2016

5-14-16 Sat.

The big event this week was our grandson Samuel doing a report on his ancestors background and how they came to America. Hilda did a lot of work and she even made some Hungarian cookies to share with the class.

I must tell you that in the first picture in the upper right hand corner is a color picture of my Father and Samuel when he was a baby reaching up and touching my Fathers chin. Very cute. It was take  Thanksgiving 2007.

Samuel on the right side of the picture explaining to his friends in class.

This is Samuel's little brother Ethan.

Samuel and me by his project.

Samuel and Hilda did a really nice job and putting this report together.

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. This is one of the top 3 important events that we remember in Christendom. I hope that you will choose to be in the house of the Lord this Sunday.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Sat. 5-7-16

 Cyrus is a really great guy. I can't say enough nice things about him. His lovely wife and family are great. He spends so much time on the road helping to raise money for the orphans in Uganda and other ministries. He showed us some slides of the field which we are helping to pay for to get it graded. That's besides supporting the orphans themselves.

I just realized as I look at the picture of Cyrus and myself that my clothes are really baggy. I hate to do it and spend the money on clothes. I have enough for the rest of my life, but they really look baggy and that stinks. Am I being too frank with you?

I received a lot of good helpful tips on cooking the potatoes O'Brien. Hopefully my next attempt will go better. Thank you for your advice.

There's one more thing I wanted to mention. I've told you before about my good friend Lois who started the blog. It's for busting Bible ignorance. Her daughter is helping her with the website.  Just recently she is upgrading it so that you can insert your email address and the blog will be sent to you every Thursday. I've already signed up, and I encourage you to do the same.

I hope that you will be in the house of the Lord on Sunday morning. I've learned in life that either you find reasons to do so or you find excuses why you don't need to be there.
