Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Last Day in November

Harriet had a pretty good day yesterday. Unfortunately to have a good day, she has to eat almost nothing. Due to the colitis, just about every type of food seems to be a problem.

As I mentioned yesterday Joe and I went to visit Daniel. Unfortunately Joe had not turned in his application for visitation in time, so he was my chauffeur. We had a nice time talking on the trip over and the way back. I spent 3 hours visiting with Daniel and then headed back. It makes a long day, about 500 miles round-trip.

Daniel is doing very well. He said something very interesting that I would like to pass along to you. Wherever you are at, you have choices to make. Even in prison. You can squander the time or you can use the time to grow and learn. He's very happy to be back in California. The food here as compared to Mississippi is very good. He gets salads every day and an apple. He's walking and jogging about 11 miles per day. So is getting lots of exercise which is good. They have finally given him his hearing date which is May 14, 2015.

I hope that you will take the time to go to the house the Lord and worship the Creator of the universe.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Good Day

Good morning everyone! Yesterday was a pretty good day! They are far and few, but we will take whatever we can get. It is really heartwarming to get the cards and messages from our dear friends that are praying for Harriet and myself. Thank you so much, it means a lot to us.
I've always realize that it was important to keep a positive perspective on this entire ordeal for Harriet. But, I realize now that it helps me to to know that we have so many friends that are praying for Harriet's healing and the strength to continue on till we get the victory.
My son Joe and I are leaving at 4:30 AM this morning to go visit Daniel who has been moved to Chuckawalla prison which is close to Blyth. It's a 3 1/2 hour drive and I have a 8:45 AM appointment. You have to be there on time or earlier or you miss your appointment, that's why were leaving so early. I will visit with Daniel till about noon and then we will drive back.
I just wanted everyone to be updated as to the situation. I forgot to tell you that the good news is that Daniel has his SB 260 hearing date which is May 14, 2015. They have to have everyone cycled through this program by the end of June 2015. So that means all the hearings have to be completed by that time.
That's the most current information and I want to wish you all a good weekend.

Frank and Harriet

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Day After Thanksgiving Day

Yesterday was relatively quiet day.  I took Harriet out for a drive to enjoy the beautiful day.  We have a nice time.

Late afternoon and evening are for some reason the worst.  It seems that the medications/side effects take their toll.  It will be a tough month coming up.  Two more treatments and hopefully that's it.  Then we can start reconstructing all the damage that has been done and Harriet's body by the chemotherapy.

I appreciate you praying for her, for strength and endurance to make it through to the end.  It's really difficult, seeing the negative aspects of what the chemotherapy is doing to her body functions.

I hope you have a great weekend.
Frank and Harriet

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Well, I was a slacker this morning. I slept in until 4:30 AM. Normally I get up and go to work really early and then go surfing at 1st light. But, I thought since this is a very important Thanksgiving day, I would stay home with Harriet. So, I slept in.

I want to thank you all for your cards, emails and posts to the blog, supporting Harriet and myself during this difficult time. And as I mentioned previously we really need to counter blessings each day, but specifically today, a day that is set aside to give thanks, we need to really count our blessings.

A quote from Charles Spurgeon (The Prince of Preachers), "We are too prone to engrave our trials in marble, and write our blessings in the sand...."

Harriet is still struggling with the aftereffects of all the medications. I'm hoping that she be well enough that I can take her for a little ride and get her out of the house. It will be a beautiful day here and I'd like her to enjoy it.
God bless you all!

Frank and Harriet

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thank You for Your Prayers

I want to thank everybody for continued support and prayers.  The effects of the shot that was given on Monday finally subsided yesterday evening.  Harriet's he been in contact with the oncologist and she told him that she just can't take anymore the shots because of the side affects.  I'm asking you to continue to pray that the two shots that she has had, will be enough to stimulate the growth of the white blood cells.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving day.  May we all stop are busy activities, over eating, watching football games and such and give thanks, truly give thanks for all the God has given us.

Frank and Harriet

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Monday Second Shot

Harriet had her second white blood cell enhancing shot yesterday.  With the expected side effects.  If you didn't read yesterday's blog, it was devoted to side effects of "helping her with medications".  These shots will come every other day and I hope they work because there's a price to pay each day.

This week we celebrate Thanksgiving and hopefully we all take time to reflect on the blessings we do have.  Let us give thanks and count our blessings each day in preparation for Thanksgiving Day.

I thank God for each one of you that takes the time to pray and supporting us with your love and understanding of what were going to this trial.

Frank and Harriet

Monday, November 24, 2014

Taking Medications, to Help Alleviate the Symptoms of the Previous Medications You Are Taking

That's it in a nutshell.  So you take the chemotherapy which has side problems/effects and then you take other medications to offset those effects.  And then of course you must take other medications to offset the side effects of the previous medication.  It's a vicious cycle.  Saturday was tough, but by Sunday the medicine was wearing off that she had injected to help her replenish her white cells.  She will have another one of these type shots today, Wednesday and Friday.  So I will let you know how it goes.

It does seem that we move forward and then we slide back some with all these different medications and their problems.  But, we are thankful that we are moving forward.  Harriet's feet are almost back to normal.  You wouldn't believe how big they were!  I'd show you a picture except, once something like that goes out on the Internet it will never be deleted.  It would probably go viral and we get 10 million hits in 30 seconds or something like that.  That may be a slight exaggeration.

I hope you have a fantastic week.  God bless you and thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.

Frank and Harriet

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ending 1st Week of Round 4 of Chemo

Friday Harriet received her 1st subcutaneous injection to help stimulate the growth of white blood cells. She will have 6 of these injections over the next couple of weeks, every other day and skipping the weekends.

I looked up the side effects of this medication and unfortunately it has a tendency to irritate Harriet's other problem which is the colitis that was brought on by the lymphoma. It seems like everything has a negative side effect. All you have to do is watch television and as they advertise different medications, the list of side effects are almost worse than having whatever your problem was in the 1st place. So, I don't know. I just know that she needs to get her white blood cell count up so that they will continue to do the chemotherapy.

I hope that you'll be in the house of the Lord this morning to worship the Creator and give thanks for all that he has given to you this day.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sorry Running Late Today

I am writing the blog post later than normal. I came down with a sore throat and cold yesterday and I thought I should rest as much as possible, so I can heal and be ready to preach on Sunday morning.

Enough about me, that's my excuse for this later post. Overall Harriet continues to do better. It's dramatic the change from just 9 1/2 weeks ago. She received her 1st subcutaneous shot to induce the growth of white blood cells. She goes again on Monday for the 2nd shot.

Hopefully, everything will continue in this upward trend, concerning her restoration. I want to thank you for your prayerful support and love. I hope you have a great weekend.

Frank and Harriet

Friday, November 21, 2014

Today Is the Last Day of Prednisone for This Cycle of Therapy

Things are going along pretty well overall.  I must tell you that this fourth cycle has seen Harriet in the best shape for months.  When we first started this therapy she was really far gone.  And each chemotherapy took a devastating toll.  But, it has paid off in reducing the size of the lymphoma and thereby reducing the hold that it has on her body.  Overall everything is just getting better and we are so thankful.

Unfortunately I told Harriet yesterday that it seems I'm coming down with the sore throat and cold.  She said that she can feel the sore throat coming onto.  This is not good because of her weakened state.  I really appreciate you continue to pray for her healing and persevering through this ordeal.

Thank you so much!

Frank and Harriet

Thursday, November 20, 2014

CAT Scan Results Are In

We received a call from the oncologist Dr. Chen, actually it was his nurse Chris.  She read to us Dr. Chen's comments concerning the CAT scan.  He said that "Progress is very good.  More than a 50% reduction in the largest lymphoma.  The smaller lymphomas are so small that they are difficult to measure/see."
I couldn't wait, so yesterday I updated the blog post.  But, in case you didn't read that one now you have good news!  Of course we are very thankful for this encouraging word.  Lord willing, we can get by on six chemo treatments.  This means the last treatment will be December 29.  I realize that's being optimistic, but we can hope for it.

Thank you so much, for your continued prayers and support.

Frank and Harriet

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

CAT SCAN 10:15 AM UPDATE Prozac or Prednisone?

Well I can't wait till tomorrow to tell you.  We received a call from the oncologist Dr. Chen, actually it was his nurse Chris.  She read to us Dr. Chen's comments concerning the CAT scan.  He said that "Progress is very good.  More than a 50% reduction in the largest lymphoma.  The smaller lymphomas are so small that they are difficult to measure/see." 

Thank you again for your love and support.

I can't remember what Harriet's taking, oh yes I think it's Predisone.  Just kidding.  You know I keep having problems trying to think of titles for these posts, so some of them get a little bit weird, now you understand why.

Day two went pretty well, taking the Predisone and the effects of the chemo which last about four days after the initial day.  It seems that the first chemo therapy treatment was the most severe and lasted the longest.  It was an eight hour session as opposed to the following sessions that have been four hours.

This CAT scan was taken one week ago today.  I am predicting the results for today. The doctor said he would call with the results.  So, stay tuned for tomorrow morning's Blog Post.  Lord willing, we will have the results.

Harriet is doing pretty good and I must say she's taking it like a trooper!  What a learning lesson, I think for all of us.

I hope you have a fantastic day and count your blessings, name them one by one and see what the Lord has done!

Frank and Harriet

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

77th Post

This is my 77th blog post, the day after Harriet's fourth chemo treatment.  So far so good.  There are the notable problems that come with chemotherapy, extreme loss of weight, her white blood cell count has dropped radically low, colitis and on and on.  As I said early on in my blog posts, they figure out how much chemotherapy will kill you and then give you just a little bit less than that.  Unfortunately it kills so many things in your body.

After the previous chemotherapy, Harriet's potassium level was drastically low and they've been able to bring this up.  Now we are dealing with extremely low white blood count.  So, starting on Friday after the majority affect of the chemo has worn off, she starts a new treatment.  They will give her a series of six shots in her abdominal area, Every other day, and skipping Saturday and Sunday because they don't work.  The shots are supposed to help stimulate the production of white blood cells in the bone morrow.  I don't know how painful the shots are ( I can guess), but I can tell you from what the doctor said that the effects are that you feel like you have the flu, aching bones/body and so on.  It will not be a fun ride.

She starts her course of prednisone 50 mg each day for the next four days.  All these different medications have their side effects.  Yesterday I received an email from our longtime friend Suzanne.  Suzanne told me that her mom had taken chemotherapy for cancer and she felt like she was going to die each time she had her chemotherapy, but that was 30 years ago and her mother is 96 years old now.  So, hopefully there is life after chemo.

God bless you and thank you so much for your loving support and prayers.

Frank and Harriet

Monday, November 17, 2014

Fourth Chemotherapy Treatment

Today Harriet goes in for her fourth chemotherapy.  Remember correctly she's to be there at 9:15 AM to check in.  They probably start the chemo therapy about 9:30 AM.  If it goes as well as the last time then it will take about four hours and I will pick her up at about 1:30 PM.

I'm still hopeful that will get the CAT scan results by Wednesday at the latest.  I can tell you that Harriet is doing well mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  I took her for a little drive yesterday so that should be out of the house.  I think it's good for her well-being.  Because the next for five days, she'll be pretty much confined to the house because she's taking the prednisone.   We are weaning her off the pain medication, because we don't want to have a reaction to reduced pain medication on top of everything else.  It's a slow process.

Thank you so much for your prayers and loving concern.  I hope that you have a fantastic week!

Frank and Harriet

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Preparing For the Fourth Chemo Therapy

Yesterday went pretty well until the evening and things seem to go south sometimes, Like this blog. We had the Cox cable guy come and work for a couple hours yesterday and it screwed things up on the website and I don't know how? But I've spent the past 45 minutes trying to log on to this blog so I could post for this morning.

Harriet will have her standard blood test done today in preparation for the chemotherapy tomorrow morning. I'm assuming it's to check the white blood cell count, I'm not really sure it's just that they've said if you don't have the blood test taken the day before your chemotherapy, then they cancel it.

Today my message will be on "True Discipleship". If you are interested in finding out you might want to read what Jesus had to say in the Gospel of Luke 9:22-26. If you can make it to church this morning our service starts at 8:30 AM sharp. 9320 Willowgrove Ave. in Santee California.

Thanks again for your continued prayers and support, it means so much to both Harriet and I.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Good Morning!

Yesterday was a pretty good day overall.  Except for the fact that the oncologist had not received the report from radiology concerning the CAT scan that Harriet had done on Wednesday morning.  He said that radiology does not work over the weekend so that the results won't come until next week and he will call us with those results.

I need to make a correction.  We were told by some people during Harriet's hospital stay last week that the colitis was caused by the chemotherapy.  The oncologist said emphatically, that it was the lymphoma/cancer that cause the colitis.  So, the logical conclusion is when the lymphoma is gone, then we'll have to deal with the colitis and get that cleared up.  Harriet has continued to lose weight.  The doctor doesn't seem to be concerned and said that after the chemo treatments are over that she will slowly start gaining weight.

A little bit of an update for you concerning our son Daniel who is back in California.  He is waiting for his SB 260 hearing which we do not have a date for at this time.  But, he's very thankful to be back in California.  He told us that he could be outside for 11 hours a day ended that is more time outside then in two weeks when he was in Mississippi.  So, he's really appreciating the outdoors and he said the foods much better here than in Mississippi.  He was starving for the last three weeks before he got to California.

Harriet will have her fourth chemotherapy on Monday morning.  Thank you Ron in Virginia for taking Harriet to her chemo therapy.  I will pick her up when the treatment is completed.  My friend Brian Verhoeks, will teach my Monday night Bible class.  He has always been there for us when we were on vacation and would teach my Bible class in my absence.  I know he'll do a great job.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Let's not forget to count our blessings each day!

Frank and Harriet

Friday, November 14, 2014

Happy Feet! Update 3 PM

3 PM Update: we saw the oncologist this afternoon. Nice guy, but unfortunately the CAT scan had not been read by the radiology department. He promised that he would call us as soon as it is read and let us know the results. The situation is that the radiology department does not read the scans over the weekend (Slackers). So we're looking at next week sometime. I was probably more disappointed than Harriet. I was looking forward to getting some good news.

I hope you have a great weekend,
Frank and Harriet

Harriet's feet have almost returned to normal size.  It was very difficult to walk when her feet and legs were swollen.  Now she's more stable on her feet when walking.  Yesterday went pretty well and we are thankful.

This afternoon we have our appointment with the oncologist and I will update this blog by 5 PM and let you know what he said.  Hopefully we can see the original CAT scan compared to the one that was taken on Wednesday and see a dramatic difference.

I have added a picture that was taken in September 2013 on our vacation in Hawaii, specifically at the Dole pineapple plantation which is on the way to the North Shore.  Better times, and it's always good to remember and hope that we will have another trip to our favorite place, Hawaii.

Frank and Harriet

Thursday, November 13, 2014

They Day after the Day before

So everything started off well yesterday I went to work at 2:30 AM and I was getting ready to leave to go hit the waves and I get a call from Harriet at 4:53 AM and that she's really sick.  So I changed course and head home.  The best that I could say is that she must've had something that caused food poisoning.  I had the very same symptoms a few months ago after eating at a restaurant.  She had the dry heaves and was just feeling really miserable.  So I stayed with Harriet all morning and made sure she got ready to go and have her PET scan done.  By this time she was feeling a little bit better.  After the CAT scan was over, she was able to have some breakfast and do much better the rest of the day.

Tomorrow is Friday and we have our appointment with the oncologist.  We get the verdict on how things are going with the reduction of the size of the lymphoma.  I will try and update tomorrow's blog by 5 PM tomorrow and let you know what he said.

Thank you so much for hanging in there with this.  Thank you for your prayers and support.  As an update, to our friend Harry Bartling, he's at the Kaiser on Zion and he would like to have visitors.  Harry's room number is 5308 A.  They're putting Humpty Dumpty back together again.  It's got to be painful.

Frank and Harriet

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

CT Scann Today

Today Harriet has her CAT scan and we are hoping for a positive results.  On Friday we meet with Dr. Chen, the oncologist to find out how the treatment is working.  So, I will probably update the Friday's blog post in the evening and let you know what he said.

I do have a special prayer request for our friend Harry Bartling.  Harry was 20 feet up on his ladder, trimming his tree when he fell.  He's broken his arm in two places and has a shattered elbow.  He's in the hospital now at Kaiser and they're trying to put them back together again.  I would appreciate you praying for him also.

Thank you so much for all the positive support.  Harriet had a pretty good day yesterday and we are very thankful for what we get.

Frank and Harriet

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Good Day, Sunshine!

The title is to be sung to the music of the Beatles in 1966, if you remember the song.  I know, everybody's going to die of a heart attack because I have good news.  Harriet had a really good day yesterday.  It seems that the pills that she's taking to counteract the colitis work pretty well.  Even though she's eating small quantities of food, it is more than she's eaten and quite some time, and keeping it down.

Yesterday evening she said that she so full, she can't remember the last time she felt this way.  I'm sure that her stomach has shrunk during the past few months.  But, it was good to hear.  She asked me what can I eat, that isn't non-dairy product that is rich in protein and will put some fat on me?  The only thing I could come up with is cashews or something like that.  She really can't eat large volumes of food, so I've been stuffing her with these cashews.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

Frank and Harriet

Monday, November 10, 2014

One More Week till Round Four Starts

Harriet is doing pretty good.  I'll tell you what she really needs prayer for, nutrition.  Harriet needs to be able to eat to keep up her strength and also her weight.  I know that this is difficult because for most of us weight is a problem and we try to keep it off.  But, because of her situation she's having difficult time nutritionally.

We really appreciate your prayers in this matter and thank you for your support and love. 
Have a great week!

Frank and Harriet

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Sunday After

Harriet had a relatively good day yesterday. We are both very thankful that she's home. Her strength level is very low. She's eating everything that is on her very limited diet. It seems to help, except for the fact you can tell it's can be very boring. I mean, no Mexican food, really?

Yesterday everything caught up with me and I was just bone weary. You just keep going and then after the crisis is over, I guess it all catches up with you. I received an encouraging note from Lois with the graphic the I'm going to include for you. It applies to all of us.

The doctors told her not to be in large groups where she can catch a cold or the flu. Her immune system is all but destroyed. So, you will not see her at church until this ordeal/treatment is over. We've done the calculations and the 6th treatment will be on December 29th. That will be her last treatment. Then it will take a period of time for her body to start healing and restoring itself. This means that the isolation is self-imposed, so that we don't end up with a sick patient that can't do the chemotherapy and complete the cycles of treatment.
Thank you Lois and all of you who have sent cards, emails and encouraging words. I hope that everyone takes time to go to the house of the Lord to give thanks for all that you have in all that God has done for us!

Frank & Harriet

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Harriet Is Released from the Hospital

I was able to bring Harriet home yesterday late afternoon.  Even though she only spent 38 hours in the hospital it seems like two weeks.  They ran every test imaginable and most of them came back negative.  As you know they said that the only thing that they discovered is that she has colitis which they determined was a direct result of the chemotherapy.  It seems that when anyone has chemotherapy, it will also attack areas that are weak in your body.

Even though they are treating this as best that they can, the conclusion I come to is that when Harriet has her next chemotherapy on November 17, that this may flare up again.  She is so thankful to be home.  I might add that Harriet's comments were that everybody at the hospital were so nice, not only friendly, but very helpful.  And I guess if you need to be in the hospital that's nice to be surrounded with people that have those fine qualities.  Harriet said that the room was spotless.  One of the housekeepers that came in and cleaned the room every day told Harriet how thankful she was to have this job.  She said that it's the best job she's ever had and she works so hard to keep everything clean.  There was absolutely no dust anywhere or dirt in the corners, very nice.  It speaks highly of those who are in charge.

Thank you again so much for taking the time to intercede on our behalf in prayer and support.  Harriet really appreciates it and so do I!  Have a great weekend, I know that were planning on it.

Frank and Harriet

Friday, November 7, 2014

Press down, Shaken Together and Running over

If you missed yesterday's blog post, please read that because I updated three times and I will not repeat the same information so it's not boring for everybody today.  I stopped and visited with Harriet on the way in to work this morning.  She's in good spirits.  She had a nice talk with one of the nurses and the nurse explained what colitis is.  Harriet seems to have a case of it and it's an inflammation of the colon.  It's caused from the chemo therapy.  They are probably going to keep her in for another day or so because they can pump so much more antibiotics into her in the healing process is speeded up.  It's like I told Harriet, there's no sense coming home and then having to come back the next day.  Let's try and knock this out and get over it.

The probabilities are that the next chemotherapy will cause the same problem.  Chemotherapy seems to pick a vulnerable point in your body and decimate it.  Thank you for the cards and letters, emails and texts.  I got a cute card in the mail yesterday from our grandson Samuel and when he addressed it instead of putting Harriet's name, he put Nana.  Very cute!

You know that I always tell you how much I appreciate your support and prayers, I really mean it!  Again I will repeat what Harriet said yesterday how much she misses everyone.  This is just the way it is right now.  She must deal with the isolation until this problem is resolved.  They are feeding her, I keep threatening to bring in a hamburger, but that's not on her diet.

Frank and Harriet

Thursday, November 6, 2014


 7:00PM UPDATE: I just got back home from the hospital. Harriet is in very good spirits. She wishes she could come home. She sends her love to everybody. She's in a "Negative Pressure Room". This is a precaution. As you know the Ebola outbreak has caused a lot of concern. So they put people that have any similar type symptoms into a negative pressure room. This way when the door opens and people come in, the air in the room draws air in as opposed to letting it escape into the rest of the hospital. Aren't you glad you read this blog. That's for those who were not of where of what the negative pressure room does. All the test still are coming back good and we're waiting for the results of one more test which should come in tomorrow. They said that they're going to release her. But, this does not mean that the problem is resolved. It is something that Harriet will have to deal with because the chemotherapy is causing havoc in her internal organs. I will go in and check on her at about 2:30 AM tomorrow morning. She told me to wake her up even if she's asleep which she probably won't be. You know it is kinda hard to sleep in the hospital because of all the noise. She is in a private room. And they do not allow visitors, due to the obvious reasons.
Thank you again for your prayers and support.

Noon UPDATE: I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that they are running a whole bunch of tests including C. diff and all of them are coming back negative. The bad news is they haven't figured out how to stop the problem of food going straight through her. I must tell you that from what I've gleaned from the doctors, that this is a situation brought on from the chemotherapy. Which means that even if they solve the problem for the current situation. When she has her next chemotherapy it will recur. And from talking with Harriet last night it seems that it gets worse with each chemotherapy. So she has not had lunch yet. And they put her on a very strict diet.
We had a really nice time together. I brought my tablet and I played a bunch of video songs that we play at church and it brought tears to her eyes, in a good way. She misses going to church so much and fellowshipping with all of our friends. This is the latest info. If I get any new information, I will update again this evening.

10:00 AM UPDATE: They are running many tests and Harriet is in an Observation status/room. Hopefully when they get results we can figure out what to do.
Thanks for the well wishes and prayers.

3 AM: I checked Harriet into the emergency room this morning.  She's just at the end of her rope to know what to do.  So she's getting hydrated and her potassium was low so they will give her some potassium the IV.  Yes, she was eating bananas and all the other things that contain potassium.  This chemo treatment just kills everything that's good in a person.  And it's hard to catch up.

She is not have a good rest for at least a week and a half.  So she's not having any visitors at this time.  Hopefully when they get her into a room and she's rested, then she'll feel like having visitors.  Right now she's third on the list to get a room at Kaiser Hospital.  I need to send a note to Dr. Chen and see if he can expedite matters.  They do have are in a negative pressure room and if you're listening to the news at all you understand why.

That's it for now.  If I get any good information I will update this blog later on today.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.

Frank and Harriet

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Beat Goes on

Pretty much more of the same as the last few days.  Very frustrating and I'm spending a lot of time dealing with Kaiser and trying to get some assistance.  Pretty much the philosophy says, come to ER and will fix you up and you can go home.  Then you can come back the next day and the day after.  That's not really what we had in mind.

I know that it is difficult to comprehend these things.  When I've heard people talking about chemotherapy and their woes, it was hard for me to comprehend what they were going through.  I'm obviously much more sympathetic toward the plight.

Thank you so much for your continued love and support.

Frank and Harriet

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

We Were Hoping......................

We were hoping that the events from the previous night were over, but that is not the case.  Even some of the medication that Harriet was prescribed after our night at the hospital, some of the side effects are the same as the original problem.  Everything went pretty well yesterday all the way through evening.  When I got home from teaching Bible class I got the bad news that everything started going south again.  I encouraged Harriet to take the one medication which is supposed to be for anti-cramping in the intestinal area and it seems to have worked.  This is a medication that they said you're not to drive while using it.  Harriet said that she was knocked out for a couple of hours after taking this medication and it seems to worked.  The problem is, you can't exist on not eating and yet the concerns are there if you do start eating and have the problem all over again.

So, we go on and I've encouraged her to stay put, rest and let me do the shopping so that her body can heal.

I'm hoping of course to give you better news each time and it is difficult when things continue to go south.  I do thank each and everyone of you for your continued prayers and support.

Frank and Harriet

Monday, November 3, 2014

Emergency - Updated at 7:30 AM

We had to go to Kaiser Hospital yesterday evening about 10:30 PM. Harriet has not been able to keep any fluids or food in our system, they go right through her for the last day and a half. I'm glad we went. Because they're doing the proper testing to see what's going on.

From what the doctor said, he's suggesting that the chemotherapy has killed all the good bacteria in her intestinal tract. This leaves only the bad bacteria to run amok. Normally there's a balance between the two. They're doing some diagnostic tests including a CT scan. I just wanted to let everybody know what's going on. Hopefully this will answer some major issues that have been going on.

I will update this Post later on this morning when I get the results. 


The doctors diagnosis was correct.  This probably has been an ongoing problem since the chemotherapy started.  The chemotherapy kills things that you really don't want dead, like the good bacteria in your intestinal track.  When the good bacteria is killed, the only thing left is the bad bacteria and it causes major problems.  It is difficult to bring yourself to eat something when you know it is going right through you in a matter of minutes.  The doctor gave her two courses of antibiotics, a muscle spasm reducer and recommended
Probiotics, which are microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed.   This is to replenish those microorganisms that have been lost.  Harriet's potassium level is extremely low also.  Hopefully we can get these things balanced out in the next couple of weeks.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Frank and Harriet

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Time Change!

Harriet had a good day yesterday until evening rolled around. Just struggling with internal complications. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and emails of support. We know that we will be victorious in Jesus Christ! It is imperative to have the long-range view on matters. I try to encourage Harriet in this way. Even though she struggles with these nasty symptoms.

I hope that you'll be in the house of the Lord this morning, to worship the Creator of the universe.

Frank and Harriet

Saturday, November 1, 2014

First Week of Third Cycle Is Finally Over

You know that it's one of those things that you have to endure, I'm referring to these days right after the chemotherapy and taking the predisone.  It is very tough dealing with all the issues that come with it.  I'm looking forward to Harriet's next couple of weeks as she regains her strength   And gets ready for round four of the chemotherapy.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Frank and Harriet