Thursday, November 6, 2014


 7:00PM UPDATE: I just got back home from the hospital. Harriet is in very good spirits. She wishes she could come home. She sends her love to everybody. She's in a "Negative Pressure Room". This is a precaution. As you know the Ebola outbreak has caused a lot of concern. So they put people that have any similar type symptoms into a negative pressure room. This way when the door opens and people come in, the air in the room draws air in as opposed to letting it escape into the rest of the hospital. Aren't you glad you read this blog. That's for those who were not of where of what the negative pressure room does. All the test still are coming back good and we're waiting for the results of one more test which should come in tomorrow. They said that they're going to release her. But, this does not mean that the problem is resolved. It is something that Harriet will have to deal with because the chemotherapy is causing havoc in her internal organs. I will go in and check on her at about 2:30 AM tomorrow morning. She told me to wake her up even if she's asleep which she probably won't be. You know it is kinda hard to sleep in the hospital because of all the noise. She is in a private room. And they do not allow visitors, due to the obvious reasons.
Thank you again for your prayers and support.

Noon UPDATE: I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that they are running a whole bunch of tests including C. diff and all of them are coming back negative. The bad news is they haven't figured out how to stop the problem of food going straight through her. I must tell you that from what I've gleaned from the doctors, that this is a situation brought on from the chemotherapy. Which means that even if they solve the problem for the current situation. When she has her next chemotherapy it will recur. And from talking with Harriet last night it seems that it gets worse with each chemotherapy. So she has not had lunch yet. And they put her on a very strict diet.
We had a really nice time together. I brought my tablet and I played a bunch of video songs that we play at church and it brought tears to her eyes, in a good way. She misses going to church so much and fellowshipping with all of our friends. This is the latest info. If I get any new information, I will update again this evening.

10:00 AM UPDATE: They are running many tests and Harriet is in an Observation status/room. Hopefully when they get results we can figure out what to do.
Thanks for the well wishes and prayers.

3 AM: I checked Harriet into the emergency room this morning.  She's just at the end of her rope to know what to do.  So she's getting hydrated and her potassium was low so they will give her some potassium the IV.  Yes, she was eating bananas and all the other things that contain potassium.  This chemo treatment just kills everything that's good in a person.  And it's hard to catch up.

She is not have a good rest for at least a week and a half.  So she's not having any visitors at this time.  Hopefully when they get her into a room and she's rested, then she'll feel like having visitors.  Right now she's third on the list to get a room at Kaiser Hospital.  I need to send a note to Dr. Chen and see if he can expedite matters.  They do have are in a negative pressure room and if you're listening to the news at all you understand why.

That's it for now.  If I get any good information I will update this blog later on today.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.

Frank and Harriet

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