Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Well, I was a slacker this morning. I slept in until 4:30 AM. Normally I get up and go to work really early and then go surfing at 1st light. But, I thought since this is a very important Thanksgiving day, I would stay home with Harriet. So, I slept in.

I want to thank you all for your cards, emails and posts to the blog, supporting Harriet and myself during this difficult time. And as I mentioned previously we really need to counter blessings each day, but specifically today, a day that is set aside to give thanks, we need to really count our blessings.

A quote from Charles Spurgeon (The Prince of Preachers), "We are too prone to engrave our trials in marble, and write our blessings in the sand...."

Harriet is still struggling with the aftereffects of all the medications. I'm hoping that she be well enough that I can take her for a little ride and get her out of the house. It will be a beautiful day here and I'd like her to enjoy it.
God bless you all!

Frank and Harriet

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