Saturday, March 3, 2018

3-3-18 Sat.

Good morning everybody! Things are going pretty well. I don't think I've mentioned this but before I went to Hawaii in November my primary physician talk me into getting a flu shot, which I've never had before. I guess it's working because so many people have gotten sick with the flu and this is the first time I've dodged the bullet. I don't know how you feel about those shots, but not sure how well they work.

I made a number of surf videos earlier this month and then the waves went flat. From 0 to 2 feet, very small. Looking forward to a winter swell. Larry and I have been going up to Cardiff during the month of February. I miss my friends from Del Mar. I surf with my friend Ken for over 20 years, he's really a good guy and I miss those mornings where we'd paddle out together and sit out in the lineup at dawn. Now we're going up to Cardiff state beach and we get up there about 9:45 AM. It's completely different videoing with the sun shining, we've not had to deal with that because we would go so early in the morning. But, I will say that it is a lot nicer to video when the sun is out, shining on the water and look so beautiful and Larry & I are not freezing.

Today I get to go and pick up Samuel and Ethan. I'm bringing them over to my home this morning. We will watch an episode of The Flash, superhero on Netflix. There's no bad language or nudity, so it's safe for my boys. I've got of couple of pictures from the last time they were at my house. I feed him Natchoes, popcorn and a cherry coke. Today after our little outing I will take them to In-N-Out hamburgers, one of Ethan's favorite places to eat, isn't it everybody's?

 I was looking through my work computer which I brought to my home after I retired last year and I found some pictures that I can't remember if I've used these before, but if I did it was early on a few years ago so I'm using them again. When Harriet and I stayed in Waikiki, one of our earlier trips we found this little park that's about a 10 minute drive on the other side of Diamondhead in Kahala. Most of the times when we would go there there was hardly anybody around. We would take our books and read and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.

 As you can see from these pictures looking down the beach in either direction, there's nobody around. It was a really nice place of solitude and beauty and we spent many hours there enjoying it.

Often times when we get there at the end of summer they would have a surf contest and Harriet enjoyed going down to the beach with me and watching the tandem surfers. Very talented and it was always amazing what they could do on the waves.

This is a picture of Harriet and her mother at my father's 94th birthday which would be in April 2008. I sure miss my girl! I really try not to dwell on it, because it makes me sad that she's not here. And I don't want to go down that dark hole. The good news is that we are not as those that have no hope, as Paul the apostle would write. This past Wednesday we had the funeral for my good friend Larry and Judy's mom died and went home to be with the Lord. Larry and Judy asked me to do the service and it's always a reminder of how fragile and short-lived our lives are, with no guarantee that will be here the next day.

The big news for the month of March is that our daughter Sarah, Hans and the entire family are coming to visit us for a week at the end of the month. So, I should have lots of pictures for you next month when I do this blog.

There is one more thing I want to say, Maranatha!

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