Saturday, May 5, 2018

Sat. May 5th

Today is Cinco de Mayo. I think the gringos celebrate this more than they do in Mexico.

What went on last month? Not a whole lot. So, what's new? Well, the waves have been really small the entire month of April. So my friend Larry and I have not gone out and done many drone videos of the surfers.

I am still teaching the Bible class on Monday nights and I've got a new job at church. I've always been interested in the technology, even back to elementary school 5th and 6th grade I used to run the projector. This is when you had to thread the film through the projector from reel to reel if you remember those. I'm volunteering to work in the sound booth at church. They have one lady there that has been doing the live streaming for quite some time without any relief. There are 3 separate cameras that are controlled by remote control, it's very cool. So I learned about it and the last 2 Sundays I was doing the live streaming. This way I can alternate with Michelle and give her a break. I've come to the realization that when you're working in the sound booth it's hard to focus on what the pastor is saying, because you are trying to make everything come out perfect on the technology side.

I remember pastor Tony senior said 25 years ago that if you have a job in the church you need to serve during one service and then sit down and listen and participate in a 2nd service. I think that's wise advice.

Today I take the boys to the new Avengers movie. I really enjoy spending time with them and they are so much fun. Something I'm not mentioned is how much I appreciate Joe and Hilda watching out for me and taking care of me. If I need something that I can't order on Amazon, I just take a picture of it and send a text to Hilda and the next time she goes shopping she buys it for me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. It's because when I go into the grocery store, it's like "Boldly going where no man is gone before". Now, if you can get groceries at Home Depot, I'm good. I know where everything is at Home Depot, but when I go to Vons grocery store, I'm lost. So, I really appreciate all that Joe and Hilda do for me.

Which brings to mind all the kindnesses that Harriet did for my dad. My mother died in 1985 and my father lived for another 23 years. Harriet was so kind to him. My dad loved Harriet's enchiladas. Harriet would do for my dad, all the things that Hilda is doing for me. I'm very thankful for Joe and Hilda and of course Harriet, taking care of my dad was very special. Harruet also made some of the Hungarian cookies and desserts that my mom used to make. My mom showed Harriet how to make certain desserts and of course one Harrit made those desserts I would take some over to my dad and he had this cute little saying, "these are too good for me". My father communicated pretty well, but he was an adult when he came to the United States so there was always some problems in sentence structure. Heck I still have problems with sentence structure. I'm going to give you a classic, line that my dad used to say. "You know more, then I don't know"
think about it........

With those words of wisdom, I leave you for another month.


Some of my favorite Pictures

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