Saturday, December 1, 2018

12-1-18 Sat

Well, I'm in real trouble! I got a nasty email from my good friend Larry and he only asked one question with one word, "Blog?????" because I forgot to put the blog out this morning so here it is almost noon and I'm working on it.

How was your Thanksgiving? This Thanksgiving I was giving thanks for Harriet. I'm so thankful that God gave me a godly woman, that was beautiful, hard-working, disciplined, cooked, cleaned and she love me in spite of my shortcomings. That is true love! Of course I loved her the same way, but I feel it was a lot easier, because she wasn't perfect but just close, real close. I Still Love You Honey!

I've been keeping busy, it seems that there's always something to do. Now that we are in December officially I'm going to get ready for my trip to Hawaii. I leave on December 17th and return on January 18th. I have to get all my drone equipment ready which means, draining the batteries to less than 20% and packing them carefully so there are no problems when transported to Hawaii. Batteries cannot be shipped on a passenger plane they have to go to cargo plane. I'll show you some of the warning stickers that I have to put on the box and it's not cheap to send them because they weigh so much. But, I've got it get them over there or else I can't fly and make the surf videos.

I'm hoping for a couple of good North swells to come through while I'm there. I'm staying on the North Shore of Oahu about a half a block from the beach close to Foodland if you know where that is. Lord willing, I'll have some great pictures to share with you.

Every year when we went to Hawaii, we would get a picture of the 2 of us at our favorite restaurant which is Dukes. That's where this first picture was taken. This picture was taken in 2007. Harriet is beautiful and I'm overweight.

In 2001, it was the first time we had ever gone to Hawaii and we were celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary a few days earlier. Our wedding anniversary is on September 4 which also happens to be my mother's birthday. But look at the year, 2001. 7 days after our anniversary, it was 9/11. We were planning to leave on 23 September for Hawaii. After 9/11 it seems like 95% of people decided not to travel to Hawaii or anywhere else by air because of the hijackers. Harriet and I were going regardless. It was amazing Waikiki was almost empty of tourists and we had a great time. Here's a picture.
Boy, Harriet really is beautiful! Not only on the outside but on the inside too!

I know this is early, I would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!  The next blog post should be from Hawaii.


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