Saturday, November 5, 2016

11-5-16 Sat.

Last Sunday there was a birthday party for little Lincoln. He is one year old. He's really a neat little guy. I'm going to include a picture of Lincoln's parents, Tanner and Breanna (Bri for short).

The birthday party was that Bri's parent's house, Tony and Linette. Tanner's mother Jamie, took these pictures. It was kind of fun watching the opening of the presents because he's so small he can't do it. So parents are helping to unwrap the presents and then little Lincoln would reach out to hold each present. But then it was time to move on to open the next present and I'm sure it was confusing for the little guy. I think I might have taken a picture with my cell phone, let me check.
 He such a nice little guy. If you read last week's blog you know that I was trying to explain how I do the tango with him. Janie took a picture of us. He's really cute he wants to do this all the time. I'm not sure what he finds interesting about it, but I sure enjoy it.
 We all had a really nice time. Great people!

I'm looking forward to taking the grandkids to see this new animated movie that came out this weekend. It's our bonding time and I just enjoy spending time with them. Especially feeding them the cheese nachos. I wish I could give you a picture of the boys especially Ethan 6 years old how his eyes light up when we talk about the nachos.

I wanted to thank everybody for the help about a year ago when I realized the plants were dying. Harriet used to water them all the time and when she got really sick, I guess I neglected them. The one that was absolutely in the worst condition only a little bit of green left on a few tiny leaves and I followed your instructions and it's amazing how is coming back to life. I will try and include a picture next week. It's interesting because I realize that's how it is with a lot of things. When they are neglected they die. When they are well watered and cared for they thrive. That will preach.

Joe and his Mom

I hope you have a great week.


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