Saturday, August 12, 2017

8-12-17 Sat.

We had a very unusual event this past week. Last Monday Larry and I were videoing our friends surfing. The waves were really tiny, but my friend Dr. Brad and his daughter Mia were out surfing and I wanted to make sure to get a video of them.

We been videoing for about forty-five minutes when my friend Larry spotted a whale in the water between the beach and the surfers. The whale was about 20 feet long and traveling by itself as opposed to in a Pod. My friend Ken who was also there and mutual friend, asked me to take a frame out of the video and make it a picture and here it is below so you can see what it look like.

From left to right in the picture is Mia, Ken and Dr. Brad and of course the baby whale. He was awful cute. I heard on the news yesterday that this whale should've already been in Alaska along with all the other gray whales. I did post a video and I'm going to include the link. I will tell you that I added the sound. The whale song was added because it really enhances the video. But, to get the whale sound you have to put the microphone in the water. That's why people on the surface like the surfers could not hear it.

That's about the most exciting thing that's happened recently. I did not know that Brad's cousin goes to the same church I've been going to. So, Brad and Mia came to church on Sunday morning and he introduced me to his cousin and her husband. We went out to get Mexican food after church (what a surprise, right?). Here's a picture of the three of us.

Longtime friend. We surf together for many years. Brad moved up to the San Francisco area because of a job opportunity. Brad and our friend Ken and myself were the first three in the water for many years. The morning of Harriet's funeral, we did a paddle out with her ashes. I did not know in advance, but Ken new, Brad drove down for the funeral and the paddle out. It was a real surprise to see him that morning because I sure didn't expect them to drive all the way from San Francisco. These are the type of things you don't forget. Brad and Ken are my good surfing friends. Longtime relationship.

Okay I think that's it for today. I hope you have a great weekend.

This is the picture I have sitting right below my computer monitor. 

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