Saturday, August 26, 2017

8-26-17 Sat.

Do you remember the plant that I forgot to water for a few months after Harriet died? I don't know if you remember but quite a few months ago I wanted to do a little experiment and turn the plant 180° and see if the leaves would turn toward the light. Here's a picture I just took of the plant.

That's pretty cool that you think?

This past week my friend Larry and I did some practice flying here in East County there's a place we call the Sandpit. I can't remember if I've posted a photo of this but the next time I go I will take a aerial picture so you can see how it got its name. The waves have not been good this past week.

On Monday night at Bible class my good friends Tom and Terri were there having just returned from their RV excursion around the United States. Really great people. I guess I should say I have so many great friends that I'm blessed.

Our daughter Sarah is coming to visit in September. I'm really looking forward to seeing her. I'm sure that I'll be posting pictures of her and the things we do.

 Last night I went to a dinner for new members at EVCF. I must tell you that I really like Pastor Jack. He's got such a great sense of humor and he so on target, that it's scary. The reason I say that is because after he finished sharing with everybody and answering all the questions, I went to him and told him the same thing. I don't know if you've ever met someone and as you and that other person are having a conversation their unknowingly saying the same things that you been saying for years? I would like to encourage  everyone that if you are looking for a church, come and try EVCF. It's located right next to where Marshall Scotty's playground was located off of the Lake Jennings offramp in East County.

I guess that's it for today. I'm picking up the kids later on this morning for an outing and that's always fun. This afternoon I'm going over to my friend Brad and Karen and their daughter Kylie. More great people!

Have a great week and don't forget; Maranatha!


Our son Joe's sitting next to Harriet on her right side and then Sarah on the left side along with Hilda and little Ethan.

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