Saturday, September 2, 2017

9-2-17 Sat.

In just a couple of days it would've been our forty-sixth wedding anniversary on September 4. I still miss my girl.

It's been two weeks since Larry and I have been to the beach to video our friends surfing. The waves have been small to nonexistent and throw in some foggy conditions, not good for surfing or videoing.

I went out yesterday morning to the Sandpit in Santee where my friend Larry, Jim and I fly. I got there early before the sunrise and I took a couple of pictures from about 300 feet up. The first one is taken facing east looking at the predawn sunrise.

This next picture is facing West picking right after the first picture.

I have a question for you. What is your favorite appliance? It's really a funny thing because of course I never thought about it before I was the one using laundry and kitchen equipment. I guess my washer, dryer and dishwasher all come in tie for first place. I just think it's fantastic that you can put things in to these different appliances and then come back later and they're all clean.

I remember when my mom did the laundry she did not have a dryer. She would actually have to carry the cloths out and hang them up on the clothesline. I wish my mom would've had a dryer so she wouldn't of had to work so hard.

 Last Saturday I went over to my friend Brad, Karen and Kylie's house, they live in the Eucalyptus Hills area. They wanted to check out the area from the air because they just moved in a few months ago (its Hilly terrain in Eucalyptus Hills)  and I took my drone up to 400 feet which is the maximum allowed by the FAA and got a nice video of the entire area along with this picture of us. Great friends!

Today I get to take my grandsons out for an outing. It's always fun to be with them.

I hope you have a really nice Labor Day weekend.


 This picture was taken outside the Dole Plantation on the North Shore of Oahu.

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