Saturday, September 9, 2017

9-9-17 Sat.

We had a transformer blowout last Sunday morning. I got home from church and the power was out. You really come to realize how much you depend upon electricity when you don't have it.

In 2003 when we had that big fire that came through from Julian all the way through too the Scripps Ranch area, I purchased some LED flashlights/lanterns. That was fourteen years ago. These lights take D size batteries and of course I was out of them. Fortunately my son Joe and his wife Hilda bought these bricks (don't know what else to call them) that store electricity and you can use them even to start your car. They bought me two of these and I was able to use one to keep my cell phone working, and the hotspot (hotspot gives you Wi-Fi through your cell phone). The other one I used to charge my tablets.

You can imagine by evening time it's getting dark and it's kind of a bummer not to have lights in your house. The electricity didn't come on until about 3 AM.

The next morning I looked up to see what is available for lighting on Amazon. Do you use Amazon prime? If you don't know, Amazon prime is their delivery service. If you do a lot of shopping with them it's really worth it. You pay a flat fee once a year and all items marked "Prime" are shipped free and most of them you receive within two days of your order.

I looked on Amazon to see what new lighting items are available. I found these neat little lights that work on three AA batteries and give you up to twelve hours of flight. You can see how big the unit is next to the roll of paper towels. It has 30 LED lights.

This is what it looks like when you lift up at the top, it turns on the light and if you want to hang it up somewhere you can use the handles.

There's enough light that you would be able to cook in the kitchen with one of these for visibility of course you'd have to have a gas stove if your electricity is out. I tried the light on the stand next to me and you can read a book with the light, I'm very impressed for a number of reasons. Small size, lots of light and small cost. You get two of these lanterns which includes the batteries for $9.00. I ordered three sets, that's six of these little lanterns because I'm not going to get caught with my, well you know the saying. These lights are really great and if you don't have anything in case of the electrical outage, you might consider getting a few of these. You'll be thankful you had them. Here is the link for the lanterns if you want to check them out. It'll save you the time from having to look for them.

The big news is that our daughter Sarah is flying in tomorrow morning. Daniel will pick her up at the airport and I will meet them for lunch. Looking forward to seeing our girl, it's been two years. I'm sure that next week I'll have lots of pictures. Really looking forward to seeing her.

That's it for today I hope you have a great weekend and Maranatha!


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