Friday, January 2, 2015

1st Friday 2015

Harriet gets her 3rd shot this week at Kaiser. They said it's going to be busy down there because of the holidays. Here's the thing, she's not received the scheduled appointment for this coming Monday and they said if she has not received the call by noon today to call an 800 number. Of course we are hoping for an appointment Monday morning so she can have her 6th chemotherapy. I appreciate you praying to this end.

I was thinking about it this morning and reflecting over the past 4 months. We really didn't have any idea how close Harriet was to death back in August. I know a lot of our friends suggested alternative holistic methods of treating cancer. I must tell you that I'm all for it. Unfortunately when you're in the 9th inning and there isn't a whole lot of time to use the trial and error method for healing. It's time to bring out the big guns, which is chemotherapy. I don't like it, but I'm glad we went this route. Chemotherapy kills. Chemotherapy is a poison that kills the good, the bad and the ugly. Unfortunately there's a lot of side effects, but it seems to get the job done. We have a lot of friends, (a lot more than I realized) that have gone through chemotherapy over the past 20 years and have survived to live a productive life.

So our prayer is that the shots raise Harriet's white blood cell count to an appropriate level and that she's able to get that 6th appointment this coming Monday.

God bless you and thank you for sticking with us through this trial.

Frank and Harriet

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