Sunday, January 11, 2015


I guess the theme for the subject line is going to be "Time" until we get the results back from the CT scan. I don't know if anybody out there remembers the song by that title sung by the Chambers Brothers? They had a short version in a long version, which went on for about 10 minutes I can't remember exactly.

Now the days are divided into partially good days and partially bad. But, and it's a big but, things keep progressing better than they were a month before. We must continue to look on the positive and not the negative.

A friend of mine whose name is Greg, He's just learned in last month that he has cancer. He starts his chemotherapy this next week and I talked to him about it at the beach. Greg is one of the early risers the gets out there at zero dark 30. Harriet had a chemo therapy once every 21 days. Greg is going to have one every day this next week and then the following week and so on. I'm sure that each type of cancer receives a modified treatment of chemotherapy as to how often the chemotherapy is done and the amount of drugs given. I had the opportunity pray with Greg for his healing and told them that our church will be praying for him also. So please keep my friend Greg in your prayers. He's a good guy.

Okay, do you know what day this is? Yes, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. That is a quote directly from the book of Psalms. I quoted it last Sunday in this blog. Then when I was at church my friend Eric came in along with his little daughter Peyton. She quoted the same 1st back to me unknowingly! Very cool. So when I started our church service you know what I did? I asked Peyton to come up onto the platform and to tell everybody what she told me.  She quoted the verse perfectly. She did a great job!

I'm encouraging you all to go to the house the Lord and worship Him, because he is worthy of all glory, honor and praise!

Frank and Harriet

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