Saturday, July 11, 2015


Good morning everybody! I guess I'm starting to put these blogs out later and later on Saturday. Things have changed quite a bit and I will tell you what's going on. Usually on Friday evening I teach Bible class which starts at 6:30 PM and goes for a little over one hour. But the last couple of weeks I have been picking up our 2 grandsons Joe and Timothy and they live in Lakeside. I bring them to church about 5:15 PM and they are learning how to set everything up for the sound and video production. They're doing a great job and have a good attitude. Joe is 17 and Timothy is 16. Then after we have class and go through comments and questions I need to take the boys home to Lakeside and then I get to go back home. So it makes a much longer evening to do this, but it is well worth it.

Harriet's week has been up and down. We went to the doctor on Monday and they wanted to do some tests which she did. Her liver numbers are way up and her potassium is way down. So on Thursday evening the nurse called and said that they wanted to increase her potassium pills and she did that on Friday and it just wiped her out. I guess this is not uncommon. But, having to deal with it is a bummer. I'm spending more time at home and making sure that Harriet is taken care of.

On a side note, I did something I haven't done for many decades, iron my shirt. I used to do this when I was in the Coast Guard and I would iron my uniforms. But that was almost 50 years ago. I know I don't do as good a job as Harriet, but I'm trying to relieve the burden of the things that she normally has done.

Our son Joe and Hilda have been a real godsend. Along with their boys they do everything they possibly can to comfort their mom and to make her feel loved and she does feel loved. The nicest times she has is with them, it brightens her day. I'm going to pick up Samuel and Ethan age is about 8 and 5 this morning at 9 AM and bring them over to our house. This way they can visit with their grandmother (Nana) and then we'll get down to some serious business, playing Jurassic Park on my tablet. This is something that I've been doing with these younger boys and we are having lots of fun. It is a free game and you are building your own Jurassic Park. I acquire the gold coins which are used to buy food for the dinosaurs in my Park. Then when the grandkids come over I let them spend all the gold coins and they love it. It's really a lot of fun.

Harriet enjoys being with us and these young boys make her so happy. Then I'll take the boys out for a lunch and a round of miniature golf.

That's pretty much it for today. Thank you for your continued loving support. I want to thank you all, it's a big deal and I never take it for granted. You pray for Harriet and for me on a regular basis.

Don't forget, tomorrow is Sunday, the Lord's day. Go to your place of worship and give thanks to God for all he's done for you. Romans 8:28.

Frank and Harriet

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