Saturday, January 16, 2016

1-16-16 Sat. 300th Post

Hello! So today is the 300th posting on this blog. A little over 15 months ago I started this blog to help let everybody know what was going on with Harriet. At the very beginning I was posting every day or at least a couple times a week. Now of course is just once a week.

I've been trying to get rid of this cold that started little over a week ago. The coughing still lingers. I did teach Bible class last night at church.

The big thing that happened this past week was my cooking skills have increased. I know that a lot of people think that this is funny and it probably is. But anyway I wanted to cook some hard-boiled eggs. Harriet used to make them for me and put them in my lunch occasionally. So it's been a long time since I've had one. Well I got instructions and I looked it up on the Internet. I know it's hard to believe but I screwed it up. How can you do that you're asking? Well, it's not that difficult. It wasn't until the 3rd attempt today successfully cook a hard-boiled egg. All these years I've never had to learn to do these things and now, I am in a position that I have to. I've lost almost exactly 25 pounds since Harriet died. I'm just not eating enough.

I'm really not complaining. It's just a matter of telling you like it is. I try to think of interesting things for this blog and that's pretty much it for this week. This Sunday the message I'm going to preach is a quotation by Jesus Christ. Jesus wanted his disciples to be, "Wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove". Hopefully you can make it to the service. I really look forward to seeing everybody this Sunday at church.

I hope you have a great weekend.

                           I really like this picture of Harriet

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