Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sat. 4-30-16

Top of the morning to you!  I hope you had a great week. Things have pretty much settled down here into a routine. Of course on Sunday we have church and I usually preach. During the week it's taking care of all the background things that need to be done in the church setting. Friday night's Bible class and then on Saturday I try and take some of the grandkids out for an outing. This morning it will be special. I'm going to pick up 4 of the 5 boys and take them to see the movie Jungle Book. I don't know if you ever saw the original movie? It's a movie I've always enjoyed and it's pretty much G rated movie. I enjoy spending time with the kids. There each so special. When I take them to the movies I feed them all sorts of trash foods.

That's something that I need to ask God about when we get to heaven. How come all the foods that I like are not good for me and the foods that are good for me I don't like? Or how come all the foods that are good for me taste terrible and the foods that are not good for me are very tasty?  It probably has something to do with the curse that was placed on man back in the garden of Eden Genesis chapter 3. People always say that you need to eat healthy foods. It sure didn't help Harriet any. She always eat healthy foods. That's why I always figured I was going to die 1st.

So my big adventure this week was trying to cook potatoes O'Brien. I'm going to include a picture of the finished product. I figure trying to cook something new once a year is enough. I know, how narrowminded! Do you realize how much cleanup it takes to clean up a pan that looks like the one you see in the picture? I did soak it all night long and then scrub it in the morning. There is a work to reward ratio that does not compute. I guess the next time I eat potatoes O'Brien will be at a restaurant.

 We have Cyrus Mad Bondo coming to speak at our church this Sunday which is a real treat. He works for World Help and he's in charge of Africa. We've been supporting the orphans in Uganda for over 10 years. He's really a great guy. I will try and get a couple of pictures of him and me together on Sunday and include them in the blog next week.

I hope you have a great weekend. Maranatha!


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