Saturday, August 27, 2016

8-27-16 Sat

Another week gone by. It's interesting how we measure time by certain events that have happened in our lives. Of course I'm thinking about when Harriet died and we had her funeral service. I would guess as time goes by, things begin to fade away in our memories. Not that they are not important anymore, it just seems that time dims the memories.

Speaking of funerals, we are having a funeral at our church today for Shannon. She was a good friend of Frank DeLorenzo. She was only 55 years old.

Tomorrow's message at church will be "The Joy of the Lord". Do you enjoy going to the house the Lord to worship the Creator of the universe and our redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ? Or is it a chore? I was reading about a recent survey that was just released and it listed the reasons why people don't go to church. It reminds me of that saying, "Excuses,................ everyone has one". I realize I can't write what goes into that blank area because it's very rude, even though it is true. In life we either find reasons why we should go into the house of the Lord or we make up excuses why we don't have to or shouldn't go. How about you? I encourage you to be in the house of for tomorrow to worship our Lord Jesus Christ.

So I'm ending this on a thought-provoking image I received this past week. There used to be a saying when you have a difficult situation in your life, "What would Jesus do?" Now read the little cartoon below.

I hope you have a great week.


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