Saturday, September 3, 2016

9-3-16 Sat.

I'm late putting out the blog this morning because I got sick this week. Daniel comes over every Sunday morning about 6:15 AM to cook a big breakfast. He usually cooks potatoes O'Brien, scrambled eggs and sausage links. He actually does a pretty good job and cooking all these things.

When He  came over last Sunday he was sick with a cold and I know that he should not have been in my home because of the contagious factor. My son Joe and daughter Hilda, we have an agreement that if there's any sickness we don't get together. We don't want to infect each other. So, Wednesday night I started getting sick. You know the usual, headache, runny nose, sore throat, coughing, aching joints and so on. What a drag. I was thinking about this yesterday that with all the advancements in science, they still have not figured out how to cure the common cold.

I do not know if when you have a cold you have this same type of response but I always get this tickle in the back of my throat that causes me to cough and cough and cough. I think that is the hardest part of the cold because it's hard to sleep when you have to cough all the time.

Sorry about my ranting and raving about having a cold. It's probably the most exciting thing that has happened this past week. Fortunately Pastor Mike will be preaching this Sunday. This was scheduled a month ago and it's very timely. I always enjoy the challenge of the message that Pastor Mike brings to our church. And of course he and his lovely wife in attendance. The title of his sermon is, "We Don't Have To Worry".

I think that's it for this week I'm going to go and rest my weary head.  I hope that I'm well enough to go to church tomorrow morning. I don't want to contaminate everybody so if I go I will be cloister and myself in some remote corner.


Lee Ann and Harriet. Sister and really great friend.

Harriet, Timothy and Little Joe, when he was still little.

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