Saturday, May 13, 2017

5-13-17- Sat.

Good morning everyone! It's about 3:45 AM on Saturday morning. My friend Larry and I are going to head down to the beach and check out the waves this morning. Hopefully the ocean has calmed down and the swell has straightened out so the surf will be good.

This past week was uneventful. I guess in many ways that's a good thing. Unfortunately we've not been able to go out and do a whole lot of videoing of our friends surfing because of the weather.

Our son Daniel got a dog a few months ago and he sent me a very short seven second video clip of his dog. He'd trained his dog to do something and when I saw the video it made me laugh. So I made it into a YouTube which is a total of 12 seconds long. If you are in need of a little laugh I'm including the link.

This afternoon we have a get together planned at my good friend Dave and Tracy's home in Lakeside. It will be really nice to see our friends.

You know I saw something on television which made me think. (What a concept). It was a commercial and a little boy was going to the refrigerator and he opened it up because he was looking for something to eat and all there was inside the refrigerator was bottles of water. And the announcer said is that all your feeding your plants is water? I realize that I've not fed Harriet's plants anything but water for the past two years. So I got some of that Miracle Grow plant food and started adding that to the water. It will be interesting to see if my couple of little plans that I'm having difficulty green up, will actually flourish. I will let you know.

You know there was a lot of things that Harriet did and I took for granted. But now those things are for me to do. It seems I can never keep up with all of her hard work. She had amazing organization skills and discipline. Whereas I am relatively disciplined but, sorely lacking in organization skills. So it always seems like I'm behind trying to catch up.

I hope you have a great weekend and a good week.

 This picture was taken at Turtle Bay on the North Shore of Oahu

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