Friday, May 19, 2017

5-20-17 Sat.

Today we're going to have a gardening blog. No, I'm not going to give you advice on gardening. If you've been following this blog for any period of time you know that I am "challenged" when it comes to gardening. So I'm going to show you some pictures and then ask for your advice.

I wrote in last week's blog about adding Miracle Grow to the plants. The first three pictures are all taken of the same identical plants, but as you can see the third picture, well we'll just say it's not doing really good. Or it's completely dead. A couple of weeks ago it still had green on it when I fed it and I've watered all these plans equally. The question I have is can we resurrect that third plant or should I just get some green paint and paint it?

If you would please write your answer in the comment section below that would help me out quite a bit and maybe help others too. I need to mention that these plants get a lot of afternoon sun. The same as the next two plants.

The next two plants are on either side of the steps going up to my home. For some reason, I can never get these to be perfectly green. The one on the left side which is in the second picture has always been more sickly than the one on the right side of the steps. I'm hoping that my feeding them the Miracle Grow will help. The instructions say that you can use this product every two weeks, which I will do. I'm sure it takes a period of time for the food to go up the root system. That reminds me of something. These two little plants in the last couple of pictures is it imperative that the roots are always covered with dirt? Is that sort of a rule of thumb?

Okay, now you have your work cut out for you if you know anything about gardening, please let me know what I need to do.

I hope you have a great weekend and Maranatha!


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