Saturday, May 6, 2017

5-6-17 Sat.

Good morning everybody! Do you know what the little birdie told me? Nothing! But that's okay because I have pictures. I've mentioned to you in the past that it's hard sometimes to come up with ideas for this blog. When life settles into a routine, well it's just difficult to think of things that might be interesting.

So I want to tell you a true story. When we were growing up, my father's business was in the little shop behind our house, it was a single car garage and we had moved to this house in 1954. In 1959 my father added it to car garage directly behind the single car garage. Another two-car garage size building was added behind these other two a few years later.

There used to be a bluebird that would come by and I'm not sure exactly how this occurred but my dad started feeding it peanuts that are still in the shell. The bird would take the peanut and fly somewhere into the yard and hide the peanut in the grass or some other area. Then he would immediately fly back for more peanuts. The bird was probably thinking, "I Found the Mother Load!" This went on for quite some time not just weeks but months. Somewhere along the road, the bird lost one of its legs. He would still come and get peanuts but he only had one leg. Then, he stopped coming. We can only speculate on what happened.

Fast-forward a number of years and this would be in the late 80s early 90s, my dad allowed me to do my upholstering business in the first two-car garage behind his little shop. Then a different bluebird started coming around. Both to his place and to mine. We are both feeding him peanuts. The reason we know this is a different bird is because he had two legs.

I'm going to include some pictures which I thought you would like to see. In the first picture, I'm standing in the doorway of my little shop looking out toward the yard. I'm holding the peanut in my left hand and taking a picture with my right hand, so it's a little blurry.

This next picture was taken inside my shop. You can see the sewing machine in the background.
You see I kept moving the peanuts further and further into my shop and the bird would fly inside because he knew he would get a reward. Then we would give the little bird a hard time and make them work for it. I would hold the peanut tight in my fingers and he would try and take it out but I wouldn't let him. So then he would peck at my fingers and try and get it loose. Very cute. The next picture is the bird trying to get the peanut out of my hand.

I never knew what happened to this bird because it to stop coming after a while.

That's it for today. I hope that you have a great weekend!


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