Saturday, November 7, 2015

11-7-15 Sat. Late

Well, I put this morning. I had an outing planned with our grandsons Joseph and Timothy and I didn't realize that I forgot to do the blog this morning until it was time for me to leave. Now it's Saturday afternoon and I'm in trouble because I'm getting the blog out late.

Daniel is doing well. He is working hard and getting 40 hours a week. He's also been meeting with my friend Gaylin that I've known for about 40 years. Daniel is going to try and help do some computer work for Gaylin, which Daniel can do from home. I will say that Daniel is quite energetic and wants to get ahead. He realizes that he's missed a lot of years and he's trying to make up for it.

I've been doing the same old same old. Trying to get into the cleaning of some of the things that I realize I've let go. It's not been terrible, but I scrubbed the sink and the top of the range this week. I came across the 5 x 8" card that was in one of the drawers that Harriet had a list of everything that she did on a monthly basis as pertaining to housecleaning. She was very organized to say the least. You'd think I would've learned something from her in all these years. I'm doing better but I'm not in her league.

Tomorrow I'm giving the message and it's going to be about the apostle Andrew. There really isn't a ton of Scripture about him but there are enough verses that we get a good idea about his commitment and priorities. I hope that you'll be able to go to the house the Lord and worship the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ!

The 1st picture is of Harriet and myself in a canoe at Waikiki in 2001. This was our 1st trip to Hawaii and I actually was able to talk Harriet Into taking a canoe right and writing some waves. I came across to the picture album that she took and put all the pictures from that trip and she made an outline of what we did each day on this adventure. It was really kind of neat to read her take on this.

The next picture is Harriet and me and I can't remember if we were at the Nadzam's Home or not, but that's what I'm thinking.


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