Saturday, September 27, 2014


Harriet went in for her MUGA yesterday.  She said that they give you this injection and wait for a period of time, approximately half an hour.  Then they put into this cocoon type structure.  But the difference between this and a MRI enclosure is that this one is extremely close to your face and body.  Very claustrophobic situation.  Anyway, it did get done and the technician said that normally they do this at the very beginning before you start your chemotherapy.  They want to establish heart condition so that they will no which chemo drugs to use.  It seems that depending upon the heart condition they will use different chemotherapy.  Again they're trying not to kill the patient, just the cancer.

Another thing that happened yesterday that was unusual is that Harriet realized that she was hungry and had an appetite.  This is not happen for quite a few weeks.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support.  We hope you have a great weekend!

Frank and Harriet

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