Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What a Bummer!

Well, I completed the entire blog  post and then somehow I managed to delete it.  Now I have to try and remember everything I said, good luck with that.

Thank you for praying.  I want to thank everybody and as I think about it, there are people in East County churches in San Diego, in Washington and Oregon, Florida and the East Coast, Oklahoma, Arizona, Tennessee and on and on, I don't want to leave anybody out.  Thank you so much!

I'm starting to learn how it works at Kaiser.  There's a reason that we have a saying that, "The squeaky wheel, gets the grease".  A week ago I went to Kaiser/Member Services and was able to get the PET scan moved up by five days.  I went to member services, yesterday morning when they opened up at 9 AM.  I spoke with the nice lady and explain the situation.  She told me that Harriet has an appointment on September 23 with the oncologist and that she's on the list that if anyone cancels their appointment, she will get it.  I told her that's not good enough.  So she got on the telephone and then after a minute or two she told me to pick up the lobby phone.  I talked to the nice lady on the other end and told her the situation.  She said, how about tomorrow at 3:30 PM with the same doctor, same location and I said we will take it!
Instead of having to wait two weeks, we are seeing her oncologist today.  Lots of questions, and we need to get some answers.  I will let you know tomorrow morning, what transpired.

On a brighter note, our daughter Sarah and her husband Hans, are flying in this morning.  They will be here for five days and I look forward to spending time with them.

God bless you all,
Frank and Harriet

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