Tuesday, September 16, 2014

We Have Some Great News!

We had a bit of a change in plans yesterday.  I won't go into details except that Harriet wanted me to take her down to check her in at Kaiser for her first chemo therapy.  Everything went  as well as can be expected.  I met with Hans and Sarah for lunch and then they went down and stayed with Harriet.  Later on in the afternoon I went down to check in on Harriet and see how she's doing.  The nurse told us that only one person can be with her at a time, those are the rules.  She had given us some slack because it was Harriet's first time.  So the nurse kicked Hans and I out.  Sarah and Hans left San Diego yesterday evening and Sarah wanted to spend as much time as she could with her mom.   Harriet said that they had a really nice time talking together.

I picked up Harriet at 4 PM.  We wished Sarah and Hans a safe journey home to Ohio.  When Harriet got in the car she had some good news.  The oncologist, Dr. Chen, visited her twice yesterday once in the morning and then he came in later on in the afternoon.  Dr. Chen told Harriet that the results for the bone morrow test were back and he said that there is no cancer in the bone morrow!  This is a really big deal.  Because I know that when I was in the doctors office on September 10 and looked at the charts, the difference between a stage III and a stage IV cancer is the fact that stage IV has cancer in the bone morrow.  Of course blood cells are produced in the bone morrow and they are then circulated to the entire body.  Then Dr. Chen told Harriet, "We can beat this".  This was the first solid good news that we've received in the past month.  I did want to share that with you and thank each and everyone of you for praying for Harriet's healing.  This is really a big deal.

I'm going to attach one more picture that I took Sunday morning at church.  It's a little bit closer up shot and I cut Hans out of the picture on the left side unfortunately.  From left to right you have Joe, Harriet, Sarah, Ethan and of course Hilda.

Thank you so much and God bless you,

Frank and Harriet


  1. That's wonderful news. I'm sure that was a bit of relief hearing that. Love you!

  2. That is AWESOME!!! She will beat this...God's healing hands are on her!!! LoVE...LOVe...LOVE!!
