Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Why a Blog

Dear friends,

Why a blog? I'm glad you asked. Harriet reminded me that when our son Joe was at Children's Hospital in a coma, I hooked up our answering machine and I recorded a new message every day, so that the kids that were his friends from high school could call that number and listen to the updates.

I have spent many hours each day answering emails and calls and giving updates as to progress with Harriet's situation. Harriet's sister, Lee Ann suggested that I create a blog and update when new information comes along. So, there's your answer.

Now for the latest update. Currently our primary physician called and spoke with Harriet last night on the telephone. He's really stepping up to the plate and he has been able to move the date of the PET scan to September 13, thereby cutting off five days of waiting. He's also working on moving up the date for the oncologist and not waiting until the PET scan results are in. The one last thing that he did was to change her pain medication to a patch that will last for 72 hours of pain relief. Hopefully this will work. Never having used this type of pain relief, it is hard to know how effective it is and how do you regulate the dosage? So, the doctor said that we might have to supplement the patch with the other pain medication.

It is nice to have some encouraging words and getting some results. Through all these things I see God's hand moving to bring to pass his great will. The Bible says in Romans 8: 28, "For we know that all things work together for good, to them who love God and to them who are the called according to his purpose". Sometimes we see life's problems and difficulties and we wonder why they happen to us? I believe that God is working in the lives of Harriet, myself and in all of you. He's doing a mighty work and it is our responsibility to trust him. The Bible says in the book of Hebrews chapter 11 verse six, "Those who come to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him". I encourage everyone to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, this is the primary directive.

I will update this blog whenever I get any new information.

God bless you and Maranatha,

Frank & Harriet


  1. Frank and Harriet, we love you two very much. Please, please, please let us know if there is anything at all that we can do for you. Love you, Andy and Autumn

    1. Thank you Andy and Autumn, you know we love you too. The Lord is doing a might work in you. Thank you Jesus!
