Saturday, October 4, 2014

Getting Ready

Harriet is preparing for the next round of chemotherapy starting on Monday morning.  Ron in Virginia will take Harriet to the hospital and I will pick her up after the treatment.

I wanted everyone to know that when we spoke to Dr. Chen, the oncologist, about these different symptoms that Harriet has and how to deal with them he responded with the following, "All the symptoms that she is suffering from now, will dissipate as the cancer diminishes".  He said that after the second and third cycle of treatment she should start feeling better and need less pain medication.   The swelling in her feet,  ankles, legs will start to  go down in size.  Hopefully then she'll be able to keep food down and be on the mend.  We appreciate all the helpful tips  on nourishment, nutrition and family remedies.  The problem is not with the normal body functions, the problem really is with the lymphoma cancer.  Once that cancer has been removed, then these other symptoms will disappear, even if it's just gradually at first.  We look forward to that day.

Thank you again so much for your love, your support and your prayers!

Frank and Harriet

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