Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Toes Knows

Well I couldn't wait until tonight to measure Harriet's feet.  I know it sounds funny, but it's an indicator of what's going on as far as restoring bodily functions.  The toes are not little fat sausages anymore!  This is a big deal.  I must tell you that her feet and toes look like they were so puffed up that they would pop, I was really concerned.

You could definitely tell that they have lost some of the excess fluid.  They are a long way from normal, but you can tell they're doing much better.  So I did measure the circumference around the center of the arch around the top of her foot and sure enough since I started taking these measurements about four weeks ago her right foot has decreased by an inch and a half.  Now it's the same size as the left foot.

If I understand this correctly that her body is starting to function more normally and is able to get rid of excess fluid.  She's feeling better than she has for quite some time.  Her stamina is really low.  But it's great to be making some headway.  I could hardly wait to let you know.  I will try and fatten her up a little bit.  She's lost quite a bit of weight. 

God bless you and thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!


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