Tuesday, August 18, 2015

8-18-15 To Day is The Day Daniel gets to come Home

Well we got up early this morning and left to go pick up Daniel. It's been a long haul. It reminds me of what pastor Tony senior used to say. "Sin takes you further than you want to go, keeps you longer than you want to stay, cost you more than you want to pay and effects more people than you can ever know".

I'm not being harsh with Daniel at all. But he had to bear the consequences of his sin. It was a great price indeed. I believe that he has done well and proved himself faithful while in prison. If I did not believe that, I would not help him out, to be reinserted into society. But, I can tell you that he has a great attitude and will do everything possible, to do the right thing.

I have a few pictures for you the 1st one is with Harriet and Sarah at the front door of the house in El Cajon on Souvenir drive. Note the  red milk can, there's a post and on top of it is our mailbox. We filled the milk can with cement. But I also put an eyebolt at the bottom of the milk can and chained it to a tree that's in the background. And sure enough one night somebody came and tried to steal the whole thing and the chain kept them from being successful.

The next picture is Harriet and myself and I believe that we were at Phil and Marilyn Marsh's home. Those 2 pictures are about 20 years old and the last picture is Harriet and her brother John, taken about the same time frame.

One thing I have noticed while looking through the albums I didn't take a whole lot of pictures of Harriet By herself. You will notice either someone else is in the picture or myself along with her.

Well, tomorrow's blog will be interesting and I'll tell you about our trip and hopefully it will be successful.


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