Saturday, August 1, 2015


It was a very difficult week this past week. It started off with going to the doctor and talking to him about Harriet's feet and legs retaining water and swelling up. They prescribed a pill that would help the body to get rid of some of the water, but this pill drains the body of potassium so you end up having to take a potassium pill to offset the 1st pill. I know, very confusing.

So on Monday evening I gave both of those to Harriet after her evening meal, because they had to be taken with food and with a full glass of water. Well, she had a terrible night and most of the next day. It's the potassium that wreaked havoc on her body. She actually was supposed to take two potassium pills not only gave her one.

So, after that event I was trying to play catch-up and alleviate her pain with the diludid. Enough to say that it's been a really rough week.

Our daughter Sarah and Hans are arriving this morning. So it will be nice to visit with them. They will be here Saturday and Sunday and then on Monday they leave to go back to Ohio.

By the way, Daniel is not coming home today. There seems to be a rumor around that Daniel is arriving today and that is absolutely not true. I have no idea how these things start. The last we heard is that the parole paperwork is on the governor's desk and we've done everything humanly possible to encourage him to sign it immediately instead of waiting 30 days which is his normal procedure.

Hopefully he will be home soon. He calls me every Saturday morning and it's nice to be able to talk to him.

Tomorrow morning my message title is "Spiritual Stubbornness". We all know how difficult it is when we see a young child who is throwing a temper tantrum and digging their feet in, because they don't want to comply with their parents wishes. By the way those parents wishes are always for the best interest of the child. Yet the stubbornness of a child is something that we really don't like to see. You can imagine what God thinks when he sees that same trait in human beings that are "adults" and call themselves Christians.

I hope that you'll be in the house of the Lord to worship the Creator tomorrow morning!

Frank and Harriet

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